Reverse logistics is the process of managing the return flow of products and materials from the end users to the original sources or other designated destinations, involving both physical transport and organizational and administrative elements. The purpose of reverse logistics can be varied, ranging from recover value, such as reuse, recycling, repair, or disposal, or to handle other operations, such as warranties, recalls, or exchanges. Reverse logistics is an important part of supply chain management and product recovery management, as it ensures a sustainable and efficient recovery of resources.
Rejea Vifaa
Kuhusu Mwandishi
Timu ya ndio jukwaa linaloongoza kwa biashara ya jumla ya kimataifa inayohudumia mamilioni ya wanunuzi na wasambazaji kote ulimwenguni. Kupitia, wafanyabiashara wadogo wanaweza kuuza bidhaa zao kwa makampuni katika nchi nyingine. Wauzaji kwenye kwa kawaida ni watengenezaji na wasambazaji walioko Uchina na nchi zingine za utengenezaji kama vile India, Pakistan, Marekani na Thailand.