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mfumo wa kuhifadhi nishati

Mitindo Muhimu katika Hifadhi ya Nishati ya Betri nchini Uchina

China imekuwa kiongozi asiyepingika katika uwekaji wa mfumo wa kuhifadhi nishati ya betri kwa kiasi kikubwa. Taifa liliongeza zaidi ya mara nne meli yake ya betri mwaka jana, ambayo iliisaidia kuvuka lengo lake la 2025 la GW 30 za uwezo wa kufanya kazi miaka miwili mapema. Habari za ESS zilikaa na Ming-Xing Duan, katibu wa Muungano wa Kuhifadhi Nishati ya Umeme (EESA), kujadili mwenendo wa hivi punde wa soko.


Ming-Xing Duan, secretary of the Electrical Energy Storage Alliance (EESA), and Marija Maisch at the third edition of the EESA Expo held in Shanghai in September 2024

Image: ESS News

Kutoka Habari za ESS

China has been leading the world in terms of both manufacturing and deployment of battery energy storage systems. What are the key developments that we are seeing in the market today?

Last year, China installed around 20 GW of battery energy storage systems, which is as much as it has deployed to 2023 cumulatively. This year, the market is continuing its rapid growth with front-of-the-meter assets accounting for more than 90%, and standalone systems amounting to 60% of the figure.

While utility-scale projects account for the lion’s share of the newly added capacity, the deployment in the commercial and industrial (C&I) and residential sectors is advancing rapidly with a strong focus on combining design and functionality.

Ili kuendelea kusoma, tafadhali tembelea tovuti yetu ya Habari ya ESS.

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