Pampu mpya za kuongeza joto hutumia R-454B kama jokofu na zimeundwa mahususi ili kuendana na tanuu za gesi za makazi za Johnson Controls. Ukubwa wao huanzia tani 1.5 hadi tani 5 na mgawo wao wa utendaji (COP) huanzia 3.24 hadi 3.40, kulingana na mtengenezaji.

US-based industrial conglomerate Johnson Controls has introduced a new heat pump series for residential applications.
“The York YH5 15.2 SEER2 2-Stage Heat Pumps are engineered for year-round comfort and energy efficiency,” a spokesperson from the company told gazeti la pv. “These heat pumps are specifically designed to be matched with a York residential gas furnace to create a hybrid comfort system that automatically switches between heat sources based on energy costs or capacity.”
The new heat pumps use R-454B as the refrigerant and have a size ranging from 1.5 tons to 5 tons. The heat pump’s number of tons doesn’t refer to its weight but to the tons of heat a home needs.
The systems have reportedly a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER2) of up to 16 and a heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF2) of up to 8.1. Their coefficient of performance (COP) ranges between 3.24 and 3.40, according to the manufacturer.
They also feature a cooling capacity spanning from 22.2 MBtuh to 58.5 MBtuh. Sound levels are reportedly as low as 67 dBA.
“Designed to simplify serviceability, the YH5 heat pump features top or side compressor access, a swing-out control box, field-installed TXVs, removable fan guard and individually removable coil guards for fast and easy servicing,” the spokesperson said. “Additionally, equipment information, troubleshooting support and helpful tools – including an intelligent refrigeration detection system (RDS) – can be conveniently accessed via the DS Solutions App simply by scanning a QR code located on the heat pump.”
The new heat pump series is compatible with York humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air filters, ultraviolet air purifiers and energy recovery ventilators, as well as with most heat pump thermostats.
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