Nyumbani » Upataji wa Bidhaa » Nishati Mbadala » Muhtasari wa Sekta ya Kichina ya PV: Ongezeko la Uzalishaji wa Jua Nchini katika H1
Trina Solar

Muhtasari wa Sekta ya Kichina ya PV: Ongezeko la Uzalishaji wa Jua Nchini katika H1

Wizara ya Viwanda na Teknolojia ya Habari ya China (MIIT) inasema tasnia ya PV nchini ilirekodi ongezeko kubwa la uzalishaji katika nusu ya kwanza ya 2024, wakati Trina Solar imetangaza ushirikiano mpya wa utafiti na Taasisi ya Utafiti na Uhandisi ya Nyenzo ya Singapore (IMRE).

China’s MIIT has reported substantial growth in the country’s photovoltaic (PV) industry for the first half of 2024. Production in key segments – polysilicon, wafers, cells, and modules – rose by more than 30% year on year. Polysilicon output jumped 74.9% to 1.06 million tons, while wafer production increased 58.6% to 402 GW, with 38.3 GW exported. Solar cell production grew 38.1% to 310 GW, and module production rose 32.8% to 271 GW, with module exports up 19.7% to 129.2 GW.

SD New Energy has started operations at the world’s largest PV module junction-box factory in Taizhou, Jiangsu province. The facility, with an annual capacity of 200 GW, includes 60 automated smart assembly lines and 30 box assembly lines, all designed for high efficiency, automation, and low energy consumption. The first phase, completed in just 315 days, contributes 100 GW of capacity, with the entire project planned to produce around 185 million junction box units across two phases.

Trina Solar has launched a three-year research partnership with Singapore’s Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) under A*STAR. The collaboration aims to advance and upgrade energy storage battery manufacturing technologies, focusing on developing cutting-edge technologies and their industrial application in the energy storage sector.

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