Master Air Waybill
Bili ya njia kuu ya anga (MAWB) ni hati ya usafirishaji kwa shehena ya anga yenye maelezo ya masharti ya uwasilishaji yaliyotolewa na mtoa huduma wa shehena ya anga au wakala wake.
Maarifa muhimu na masasisho ya soko kwa vifaa na biashara.
Bili ya njia kuu ya anga (MAWB) ni hati ya usafirishaji kwa shehena ya anga yenye maelezo ya masharti ya uwasilishaji yaliyotolewa na mtoa huduma wa shehena ya anga au wakala wake.
Bili ya njia ya anga ya nyumbani (HAWB) ni hati ya usafiri kwa shehena ya anga iliyotolewa na wasambazaji mizigo katika umbizo la bili asilia ya hewa na maelezo ya uwasilishaji.
An arrival notice is a document sent to the notify party to inform them of the cargo’s arrival date. It is issued by the ocean freight forwarder, freight carrier, or agent.
A packing list is a customs declaration document with each shipment’s list of packages detailed individually by weight, dimension, and quantity.
A CFS (container freight station) is a warehouse where cargo consolidation and deconsolidation takes place.
Incoterms® are trade terms developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to specify details in trade contracts for global freight delivery.
Carriage Paid To (CPT) is an incoterm that refers to the delivery of the goods at the seller’s expense to a carrier or anyone the seller designates.
Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP) is an incoterm in which the seller covers the freight and insurance costs up to a designated party’s location.
Ankara ya kibiashara ni hati inayobainisha kiasi na wingi wa bidhaa zilizotumwa kwa madhumuni ya tamko la forodha pamoja na orodha ya vifurushi.
The importer of record (IOR) is an individual or entity in charge of filing paperwork and making payments to customs.
An exporter of record (EOR) is responsible for correct documentation preparation to comply with the required export specifications.
Upakiaji wa kontena kamili (FCL) ni neno la shehena ya baharini wakati mtumaji anasafirisha shehena ambayo inachukua kontena kikamilifu.
Chini ya Upakiaji wa Kontena (LCL) ni shehena ndogo haitoshi kwa mzigo kamili wa kontena (FCL) lakini imeunganishwa na Usafirishaji mwingine wa LCL kwenye kontena moja.
Mhusika wa arifa ni mtu ambaye ameorodheshwa kwenye Bill of Lading au Air Waybill na ataarifiwa usafirishaji utakapofika unakoenda.
Muswada mkuu wa shehena (MBL) ni jina la hati ambalo hutumika kama risiti ya uhamishaji inayotolewa kwa kampuni za usafirishaji na mtoa huduma wao.