Having some degree of privacy while spending time outdoors, whether that be camping or relaxing on the beach, is important to a lot of consumers which is why pop up shower tents have become a valuable accessory to own.
Pop up shower tents offer some reprieve from prying eyes as well as a convenient and hassle-free way to rinse oneself off. These tents can be used for showering but they are equally as popular for consumers wanting to change their clothing or go to the toilet.
Keep reading to learn more about the most popular pop up shower tents for consumers today.
Global market value of outdoor equipment
Top easy to use pop up shower tents
Global market value of outdoor equipment

In the past couple of years there has been a large increase in the amount of consumers spending more time outdoors, whether that be simply going for a walk or partaking in camping and hiking excursions. Consumers are now more aware than ever of the importance of spending time outdoors for their overall health as well. And with more people being active outdoors there has been an increase in the demand for outdoor equipment that offers more convenience to them.

In 2023 the global market value of outdoor equipment reached approximately 24.65 ملیارد ډالر. That number is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.12% between 2023 and 2028 as consumers purchasing outdoor gear such as pop up shower tents continues to be on the rise.
Top easy to use pop up shower tents
Pop up shower tents are designed with ease of use and convenience in mind. Consumers who are using these tents will want them to be portable and easy to carry as they’re most likely going to be taking them on د کیمپ کولو سفرونه or for days out at the beach. Regardless of the main use of these shower tents, all of them are meant to assist consumers with their outdoor needs and provide them with privacy when needed.
According to Google Ads, “pop up shower tents” has an average monthly search volume of 3600 searches, with the highest number coming in August at 5400 searches. During a 6 month period, between March and September, there is an increase in searches of 45% with 2400 and 5400 searches respectively.
When looking at the specific types of pop up shower tents consumers are the most interested in, Google Ads shows that “camping shower tent” and “toilet tents” comes out on top with 8100 monthly searches each. This is followed by “privacy tent” with 3600 searches, “pop up dressing room” with 1000 searches, and “awning shower tent” with 360 searches. Keep reading to learn more about the key features of each pop up shower tent.
Camping shower tent

Camping shower tents are a popular type of pop up shower tent that are utilized when camping or spending time in a large outdoor space. Consumers may have access to public showers but many would rather use their own private showering space which is why this خيمه is so popular. The pop up design makes it incredibly portable and easy to store away and carry when it’s not in use so it’s ideal for consumers who are going on more isolated camping trips and who won’t have access to modern day amenities.
د camping shower tent is designed to provide privacy, meaning features such as a zippered enclosure, opaque walls, and proper ventilation is a must. Some of the more advanced types of camping shower tents will also include a removable floor, UV protection, and pockets or hooks where the person using it can store their personal items without getting them wet. These pop up shower tents are designed with a quick drying material as well for convenience.
Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between March and September 2023, there was a 45% increase in searches for “camping shower tent”, with 6600 and 12100 searches respectively.
Toilet tents

Not all consumers are comfortable going to the toilet in nature or sharing a public toilet with other campers, which is why toilet tents are quickly becoming a popular type of pop up shower tent. These tents can be used as a shower or changing room but the primary design is to cover a portable toilet and they will have opaque walls with plenty of ventilation.
As well as single toilet tents, the double toilet tent is a popular alternative for consumers who are traveling in groups as it offers double the space and can easily be set up and folded away when the group is on the go. It helps to reduce wait time and can be used for multiple purposes.
Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between March and September 2023, there was a 45% increase in searches for “toilet tents”, with 6600 and 12100 searches respectively. The highest monthly search volume comes in August with 14800 searches.
Privacy tent
A privacy tent is a popular option among consumers for not only camping but also for days at the beach. This is one of the simplest types of pop up shower tents available but it’s very versatile and can offer seclusion when needed. The privacy tent shares many of the same features as other types of pop up tents but it often has a high level of UV protection built into the material to shield people inside from the sun.
The privacy tent will also feature a waterproof material making it ideal for showering or beach use, is easy to clean or wipe down, and will usually come with a bag for ease of carrying. Consumers enjoy the vibrant color and pattern options, such as تاوان, that privacy tents come in as well.
Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between March and September 2023, there was a 47% increase in searches for “privacy tent”, with 1900 and 3600 searches respectively.
Pop up dressing room

Pop up dressing rooms, also referred to as portable changing tents, are a popular choice of pop up shower tents among consumers. These tents are specifically designed with comfort, safety, and privacy in mind, and although they may feature ventilation or windows these can easily be closed by a zipper to ensure the entire tent is opaque.
که pop up dressing room is needed as a shower room then a removable floor can be added to it to ensure the user isn’t standing in mud when they’re finished. Hooks for hanging clothing or towels on as well as small pockets for other accessories are also key features of the pop up dressing room that consumers will look for.
Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between March and September 2023, searches for “pop up dressing room” remained stable at approximately 1000 searches per month. The highest search volume comes in the month of July at 1600 searches.
Awning shower tent

د awning shower tent is a unique type of pop up shower tent that can conveniently be attached to the side of a vehicle by the use of secure attachments. It’s fairly easy to set up but consumers should make sure that their vehicle is compatible with the awning before purchasing it.
Consumers will also take into account the material used to ensure that it’s waterproof, if the height can be adjusted on the awning, and how stable it is when it’s attached to the car. Overall, the awning shower tent is the perfect option for consumers who are planning road trips and want something secure to attach their pop up shower tent to.
Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between March and September 2023, searches for “awning shower tent” remained stable at approximately 320 per month. The highest search volume comes in February and May at 480 searches.

These easy to use pop up shower tents offer convenience as well as privacy in spaces where it’s often difficult or uncomfortable to maintain hygiene. Some pop up shower tents are designed with an integrated or removable floor whereas others are more basic and can be used for changing or having privacy at the beach.
All of these shower tents are popular with consumers due to their easy setup and how versatile they are in different situations. With more consumers spending time outdoors, pop up shower tents are expected to continue their growth in popularity for the foreseeable future.