Duńska Agencja Energetyczna twierdzi, że w tym roku przyznała łącznie 4.2 mln DKK (61,9542 XNUMX USD) dotacji dziewięciu lokalnym społecznościom energetycznym i projektom wspierającym energię odnawialną. Projekty obejmują przewodnik po społecznościach energetycznych dla wiejskich ekologów, dotyczący studium wykonalności społeczności energetycznej w stowarzyszeniu ogrodniczym działającym od dziesięcioleci.

The Danish Government announced earlier this month it had allocated a total of DKK 4.2 million ($61,9542) in grant funding to nine local energy communities and projects supporting the climate transition through renewable energy.
The Danish Energy Agency grants also aim to support large-scale projects leading to energy communities locally and initiatives delivering more knowledge about the energy communities.
Roughly 12 projects applied for a portion of the DKK 4.3 million funding pool.
Successful standout projects include an energy community guide for rural environmentalists spearheaded by Denmark’s oldest environmental organization, NOAH, as well as energy community startup funds for the 75-year-old garden association Havebyen Mozart in Copenhagen’s south harbor.
In 2022, 11 projects were awarded a total of DKK 4 million in funding grants.
The Danish Energy Agency said it would reopen the next round of funding in the second half of 2024.
The Nordic country recorded 2.4 GW of PV installed capacity at the end of last year, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The Danish Energy Agency said Denmark’s installed solar capacity was 3.2 GW in May this year, and attributed the growth to unsubsidized large-scale solar plants.
Denmark is expected to lead solar development in Scandinavia, reaching 9 GW of PV by 2030, according to a report from Rystad Energy. The Norwegian research firm said Denmark was also expected to lead the uptake of green hydrogen, accounting for 12% of the European market.
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