Aktualizacja rynku frachtu morskiego
Chiny-Ameryka Północna
- Zmiany stawek: Ocean freight rates have experienced moderate increases across major routes. China-US West Coast rates rose by around 1%, while China-US East Coast rates remained stable. These changes are influenced by early peak season demand and ongoing disruptions due to tariff concerns and labor issues at key ports.
- Zmiany rynkowe: The market is under considerable strain due to capacity shortages and congestion. Current estimates suggest that a significant portion of global capacity is tied up, with key transport hubs like New York facing severe bottlenecks. This has pushed rates to high levels, with further increases anticipated. Many shippers are advancing their shipments to avoid anticipated tariff hikes in August, which is contributing to the early peak season effect.
- Zmiany stawek: Rates on China to Europe routes have shown moderate increases, with prices to Northern Europe up by approximately 5%, while Mediterranean rates saw a slight decrease. This trend is driven by ongoing peak season demand and port congestion in both Asia and Europe.
- Zmiany rynkowe: The market remains volatile due to various disruptions. Port strikes in Germany and France, along with continued geopolitical tensions in the Red Sea, have led to significant delays and rerouting of shipments. The market is also facing challenges from the influx of new ultra-large container vessels, which are contributing to overcapacity issues. Despite these challenges, high inventory levels and inflation in Europe are stabilizing the market to some extent.
Aktualizacja rynku frachtu lotniczego/ekspresowego
Chiny-USA i Europa
- Zmiany stawek: Air freight rates have shown mixed trends. Rates from China to North America slightly decreased by 2%, while rates to Europe surged by 26%, according to the Baltic Air Freight Index (BAI).
- Zmiany rynkowe: The air cargo market continues to experience shifts driven by demand fluctuations and capacity changes. E-commerce demand remains strong and drives rates up. However, overcapacity issues are still present, balancing out some of the rate pressures. The narrowing differential between ocean and air freight rates is making air freight more attractive, especially for time-sensitive shipments. Potential regulatory changes in the US and a cautious approach from e-commerce platforms may ease some of the pressure on rates.
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