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Cadangan Menambah Kategori GHS Baharu Untuk Melindungi Bahan yang Menyumbang kepada Pemanasan Global

During the 44th Session of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, Austria, the EU, Finland, Germany, and the UK proposed revising Chapter 4.2 by adding the new hazard category related to global warming listed in the annexes to the Montreal Protocol. If the proposal is approved, the new classifications would be Hazardous to the Atmospheric System, which encompass both:

  • Hazardous to the ozone layer; and
  • Hazardous by contributing to global warming.

In accordance with INF.3, a substance or mixture shall be classified in Category 1 Hazardous to global warming according to the following table:

Criteria for substances and mixtures that are hazardous by contributing to global warming

1Any of the controlled substances listed with a global warming potential in annexes to the Montreal Protocol; orAny mixture containing at least one ingredient listed with a global warming potential in the annexes to the Montreal Protocol, at a concentration ≥0.1 %

Decision logic for substances and mixtures hazardous by contributing to global warming:

Decision logic for substances and mixtures hazardous by contributing to global warming

New Classification and Labeling Requirements:

new classification and labeling requirements

Regarding precautionary statements, please refer to the manufacturer or supplier for information on recovery of recycling.

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