Laman Utama » Penyumberan Produk » Tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui » Swissolar Mengatakan Negara Menambah Kapasiti 1 GW+ Solar PV pada 2022 Mengambil Kumulatif kepada 4.65 GW

Swissolar Mengatakan Negara Menambah Kapasiti 1 GW+ Solar PV pada 2022 Mengambil Kumulatif kepada 4.65 GW

  • Swissolar’s estimates show Switerland installed over 1 GW new PV capacity in 2022
  • It is an annual growth of over 40%, the 3rd consecutive year to reflect this increase, for the country
  • This takes its total installed solar PV capacity to 4.65 GW, and the association expects over 20% annual growth for 2023
Switzerland’s annual solar PV growth
Switzerland had its 1st GW-scale solar year in 2022 as Swissolar expects it to have installed more than 1 GW last year.
(Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)

Switzerland is adding more and more solar each year, with 2022 being the 3rd consecutive year to reflect over 40% annual growth, according to Swissolar that counts the country to have deployed more than 1 GW capacity last year, its 1st GW year.

In 2021, the country installed 683 MW new capacity with 43% annual growth, prompting Swissolar to forecast up to 30% YoY jump in 2022 installations with close to 900 MW capacity.

The market did better than the forecast though taking the country’s cumulative installed solar PV capacity to 4.65 GW at the end of December 2022. This 1 GW annual addition is enough to generate around 1 TWh annually.

“Solar power already contributed 5.8% to the Swiss power supply in 2022, today we have around 200,000 photovoltaic systems that supply around 7% of the electricity requirement,” stated the association. “Further growth of more than 20% is expected for the current year. The order books of most companies are well filled.”

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