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Pembuatan BMW Untuk Membawa Robot Humanoid Tujuan Am Ke Loji Spartanburg

Figure, a California-based company developing autonomous humanoid robots, signed a commercial agreement with BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC to deploy general purpose robots in automotive manufacturing environments.

Figure’s humanoid robots enable the automation of difficult, unsafe, or tedious tasks throughout the manufacturing process, which in turn allows employees to focus on skills and processes that cannot be automated, as well as continuous improvement in production efficiency and safety.

Figure prototype
Figure prototype

Single-purpose robotics have saturated the commercial market for decades, but the potential of general purpose robotics is completely untapped. Figure’s robots will enable companies to increase productivity, reduce costs, and create a safer and more consistent environment. We look forward to working side-by-side with BMW Manufacturing to integrate AI and robotics into automotive production.

—Brett Adcock, Founder and CEO of Figure

Under the agreement, BMW Manufacturing and Figure will pursue a milestone-based approach. In the first phase, Figure will identify initial use cases to apply the Figure robots in automotive production. Once the first phase has been completed, the Figure robots will begin staged deployment at BMW’s manufacturing facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Beyond the deployment of humanoid robots in an automotive manufacturing environment, BMW Manufacturing and Figure jointly will explore advanced technology topics such as artificial intelligence, robot control, manufacturing virtualization, and robot integration.

Tesla is famously developing Optimus, its own general purpose bi-pedal humanoid robot. In December 2023, Tesla released a video showing the latest version, Optimus Gen 2. Several days ago, Elon Musk posted a video of Optimus folding a shirt.

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