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BEC-Energie Consult Mengeluarkan Sistem Pemasangan PV Sokongan Sendiri

Pembangun Jerman BEC-Energie Consult telah membangunkan sistem pelekap yang menggunakan bahan yang kurang daripada sistem konvensional. Ia mendakwa teknologi baharu itu boleh mencapai 1.45 MW keluaran sehektar. Ia juga boleh digunakan untuk sistem agrivoltaik aras tanah.


Germany-based solar project developer BEC-Energie Consult GmbH has developed a self-supporting mounting structure for ground-mounted PV projects.

The company said it is now testing its patented “BECU” system at a 7 MW pilot facility in Sonneberg, Germany.

“The core idea of the patent is to exploit the self-supporting capacity of the photovoltaic module frame through the simplest, most stable, low-maintenance and space-saving installation possible in rows or blocks,” the company said.

The structure is south-oriented, with an incline of 9 degrees to 10 degrees.

“The holder reinforcing bar system, which leaves a gap of between 10 cm and 20 cm between the rows of modules depending on the design of the holder, consists of a galvanized reinforcing bar and 10 specially developed module holders,” said BEC-Energie Consult.

The reinforcing bars are driven into the ground up to 1.3 meters deep using a ram or caulking hammer, depending on the quality of the soil.

BEC-Energie Consult claims that its transport costs are lower. It said that its structures could also be used in ground-level agrivoltaic projects, if designed appropriately.

Livestock could be kept below the modules, said BEC-Energie Consult. It is now working on enabling ground-level vegetable cultivation with the help of small, autonomously operating robots.

In a classic ground-mounted system with the “BECU” substructure, system owners could achieve 1.45 MW of output per hectare, according to the company. For ground-level agricultural PV systems, 1.2 MW per hectare could be achieved.

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