Nama pengarang: majalah pv

Majalah pv ialah majalah perdagangan fotovoltaik terkemuka & tapak web yang dilancarkan pada musim panas 2008. Dengan pelaporan bebas berfokuskan teknologi, majalah pv memfokuskan pada berita solar terkini, serta arah aliran teknologi dan perkembangan pasaran di seluruh dunia.

majalah pv
Modern house with solar panels

Research Shows Residential PV Is Becoming Less Attractive in Germany

Through a new methodology based on Decoupled Net Present Value (DNPV), a German research team has found that residential photovoltaic systems were not economically viable under most market conditions at the beginning of 2023. Although lower modules prices have significantly improved system profitability in recent months, several influencing factors that change over time may still have an impact on revenue.

Research Shows Residential PV Is Becoming Less Attractive in Germany Baca Lagi »

sistem penyimpanan tenaga

Trend Utama dalam Storan Tenaga Bateri di China

China has been an undisputed leader in the battery energy storage system deployment by a far margin. The nation more than quadrupled its battery fleet last year, which helped it surpass its 2025 target of 30 GW of operational capacity two years early. ESS News sat down with Ming-Xing Duan, secretary of the Electrical Energy Storage Alliance (EESA), to discuss the latest market trends.

Trend Utama dalam Storan Tenaga Bateri di China Baca Lagi »

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