아시아 태평양 태양광 PV 뉴스 스니펫: X-Elio, 호주 PV 농장 등에 148MW BESS 추가
Latest solar PV news and developments from all over Asia Pacific.
아시아 태평양 태양광 PV 뉴스 스니펫: X-Elio, 호주 PV 농장 등에 148MW BESS 추가 자세히보기»
Latest solar PV news and developments from all over Asia Pacific.
아시아 태평양 태양광 PV 뉴스 스니펫: X-Elio, 호주 PV 농장 등에 148MW BESS 추가 자세히보기»
pv 매거진의 새로운 주간 업데이트에서 다우존스 기업인 OPIS는 글로벌 PV 산업의 주요 가격 동향을 간략하게 살펴봅니다.
Read the latest solar PV news and developments from all over Europe.
Australia’s SunDrive Solar will join forces with Chinese PV manufacturer Trina Solar to develop “cutting-edge” manufacturing facilities and bring Australian-made solar panels to market at scale.
Sundrive Solar, Trina Solar to Jointly Make Solar Panels in Australia 자세히보기»
Government of Spain Approves MITECO’s Updated Plan With Higher Green Hydrogen Ambition
Spain Set to Target 76 GW Solar PV Capacity by 2030 Under Approved Necp 자세히보기»
US Manufacturer First Solar's Global Nameplate Manufacturing Capacity Exceeds 21 GW
First Solar Commissions 3.5 GW New Alabama Solar Module Factory 자세히보기»
Panasonic will integrate new smart thermostats and an energy management software in its Aquarea system from November. The new solutions are also designed to enable PV system owners to manage their heat pumps based on local weather forecasts.
국제 재생 에너지 기구(IRENA)는 이 결과가 전년 대비 12% 감소를 나타낸다고 밝혔습니다. 이 수치는 90년 초 이후 2010% 감소했습니다.
Irena에 따르면 0.044년 글로벌 평균 태양광 Lcoe는 $2023/Kwh에 머물렀습니다. 자세히보기»
In what could be Europe’s first, FuturEnergy Ireland has proposed a project that could store energy for up to 100 hours and be operational for 30 years.
Ireland in Line for 1 Gwh Iron-Air Battery Storage Project 자세히보기»
Ebon Solar’s Application Unanimously Approved By Bernalillo County Commissioners
A new report from the US Department of Energy’s (DoE) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows a major expansion of solar-plus-storage facilities in the US power plant market.
The French energy regulator says in a new report that France allocated about 5.55 GW of PV capacity through its auction mechanism for large-scale solar between 2011 and 2013. Despite falling solar module prices, the auction mechanism did not lead to cheaper PV electricity or lower project costs.