메이크업의 미래: 8년 예상되는 2024가지 트렌드
미래의 소비자들은 지속 가능성, 자연적 특징, 휴대성을 우선시할 것입니다. 2024년 메이크업 트렌드를 알아보려면 계속 읽어보세요.
미래의 소비자들은 지속 가능성, 자연적 특징, 휴대성을 우선시할 것입니다. 2024년 메이크업 트렌드를 알아보려면 계속 읽어보세요.
Read on and learn more about trends and business strategies to help you succeed in the fine fragrance market.
Find out five strategies top beauty brands are using to maintain customer loyalty and relevance during the inflation crisis.
Expect to see the emergence of these beauty gift trends during the coming Christmas.
Seasonal Gifting Forecast for the 2022 Christmas and Holiday Season 자세히보기»
Here are a few consumer trends to pay attention to as inflation and the cost of living cause buyers to look for a better value.
Selling coffee and tea supplies is a great opportunity for your business to grow in a large, steady market. Read to choose the best supplies.
Selling candles and fragrances are an ideal way to grow customer base in-demand products. Read on to learn about the reasons for popularity.
Picture frames and other photo accessories are highly desired by many consumer groups. It’s a smart investment choice for your business.
홈 뷰티 케어가 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 재고를 늘리기 위한 안전하고 감각적인 얼굴 도구의 상위 5개 소비자 트렌드를 읽어보세요.