저자 이름: Intelligence Research Group


Analysis of the Import and Export Situation of China’s Blow Molding Machine Industry in 2022: China’s Blow Molding Machine Exports Were Large, but the Average Export Unit Price Was Relatively Low

In recent years, the export value of blow molding machines has been increasing linearly. Read more about the blow molding machine industry.

Analysis of the Import and Export Situation of China’s Blow Molding Machine Industry in 2022: China’s Blow Molding Machine Exports Were Large, but the Average Export Unit Price Was Relatively Low 자세히보기»


2022년 XNUMX월부터 XNUMX월까지 중국 금속 가공 기계 산업의 수입 및 수출 상황 분석: 수출량 및 가치가 지속적으로 증가

The export quantity of metal processing machinery from China has continued to increase. Read more about the metal processing machinery industry.

2022년 XNUMX월부터 XNUMX월까지 중국 금속 가공 기계 산업의 수입 및 수출 상황 분석: 수출량 및 가치가 지속적으로 증가 자세히보기»


Analysis of China’s Blow Molding Machine Industry Import and Export Situation From January to November 2022: The Export Quantity and Value Have Continuously Increased

In recent years, the export quantity of blow molding machines from China has continued to increase. Read more about the blow molding machine industry.

Analysis of China’s Blow Molding Machine Industry Import and Export Situation From January to November 2022: The Export Quantity and Value Have Continuously Increased 자세히보기»

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