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Xiaomi Fixes Charging Problems on Redmi smartphones

Xiaomi ने Redmi स्मार्टफोन्स पर चार्जिंग की समस्या को ठीक किया: आपको क्या जानना चाहिए

Xiaomi has officially addressed the charging problems that affect some Redmi smartphones using हाइपरओएस 2. The company shared details in its latest weekly bug report. Many users who struggle with slow or incomplete charging can now look forward to a solution.

Xiaomi phone is charging

Charging Issues on Redmi Note 12S

One of the devices facing this issue is the Redmi Note 12S. It shows slow charging behavior, especially on phones running HyperOS version OS2.0.2.0.VHZMIXM. Xiaomi’s engineers have confirmed they are working on the problem. There is no fix yet, but Xiaomi says the issue is a top priority. They plan to release a solution soon through an update.

संक्षेप में:

  • मुद्दा: Slow charging speed
  • Affected version: OS2.0.2.0.VHZMIXM
  • वर्तमान स्थिति: Under investigation
Charging Issues on Redmi Note 12S

Xiaomi: More Serious Problems on Redmi Note 13 5G

The Redmi Note 13 5G has even more serious charging issues. Users report two things: very slow charging and the battery not reaching 100%. This problem shows up in several regional versions:

  • OS2.0.2.0.VNQMIXM (Global)
  • OS2.0.1.0.VNQIDXM (Indonesia)
  • OS2.0.1.0.VNQTWXM (Taiwan)

The good news is Xiaomi has already prepared a fix. The report says the solution will come through an OTA (over-the-air) update soon. Users should check for system notifications and install updates right away.

Temporary Fixes for Users

While waiting for the official solution, Xiaomi suggests users try some temporary fixes:

  • Use the original charger and cable that came with the phone.
  • Clean the charging port gently to remove any dust or dirt.
  • Turn off battery optimization for important apps.
  • Avoid using the phone while it is charging.
  • Try charging the phone while it is powered off.

इसके अलावा पढ़ें: 6 Xiaomi Phones with Persistent Hardware Failures

These simple steps might improve charging performance for now. Let us know in the comments if you experience these issues and if the fixes help solve them.

Xiaomi’s Quick Response

Xiaomi’s fast response on the charging problems shows how much they care about improving the user experience. The company keeps working on making HyperOS better. They also take feedback from users seriously and act fast to fix issues.

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