होम » उत्पाद सोर्सिंग » रसायन और प्लास्टिक » ब्रिटेन में 88 पदार्थों का अनिवार्य वर्गीकरण और लेबलिंग अब प्रभावी
यूनाइटेड किंगडम का ध्वज

ब्रिटेन में 88 पदार्थों का अनिवार्य वर्गीकरण और लेबलिंग अब प्रभावी

24 जून, 2024 को, यूके के सीएलपी प्राधिकरण, एचएसई ने घोषणा की कि उसने यूके की अनिवार्य वर्गीकरण और लेबलिंग (जीबी एमसीएल) सूची में सूचीबद्ध 88 रासायनिक पदार्थों को कानूनी प्रभाव प्रदान किया है। यह अपडेट इसके जारी होने के तुरंत बाद प्रभावी हो गया और विनियमों का अनुपालन करता है। ये अपडेट तकनीकी प्रगति (एटीपी) के 14वें और 15वें अनुकूलन पर आधारित हैं, जो यूरोपीय आयोग द्वारा जारी सीएलपी विनियमन को अपडेट करते हैं।


These two ATP were published and came into force before the end of the transition period of Brexit and the HSE has already added these substances to GB MCL list. However, they were not included in GB law after UK left the European Union on January 31, 2020. HSE has now decided to use the procedures indicated by Article 37 and Article 37A of GB CLP Regulation to update the GB MCL list to solve this issue.

The MCL consolidated summary of these 88 substances has been published on HSE website (http://www.hse.gov.uk/chemical-classification/assets/docs/cwbsd-aapu-0675.pdf). The proposed GB MCL of 62 substances is consistent with the conclusions given in the 14th and 15th ATP. The GB MCL of 26 substances were revised. These 88 substances will maintain the mandatory classification and labelling that the UK agreed to while still an EU member state. For titanium dioxide in powder form और granulated copper which were mentioned in the previous HSE announcement, were हटाए गए from GB MCL list at this time. A number of reported errors were also corrected in this update. In addition, the entry of N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine was amended and the entry of propylbenzene was added.

क्रमांक संख्यापदार्थ का नामईसी संख्याकैस संख्यानोट्स
612-296-00-4N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine202-805-499-97-8Add ‘dust or’ to inhalation ATE
601-097-00-8propylbenzene203-132-9103-65-1Entry restored

After their publication, the 14th and 15th ATPs took effect in the EU on September 2020 and March 1, 2022, respectively. Although the EU harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) only became legally effective after the implementation period ended, suppliers were previously allowed to apply the classification and labelling of these 88 substances in the EU before the full application date. Currently, the mandatory classification and labelling of these substances have legal effects in the EU and Northern Ireland. HSE had also advised duty holders to follow the classification and labelling of these substances in the GB MCL list before December 31, 2020.

As a result, many duty holders involved with these substances may have already implemented the relevant classification and labelling based on earlier advice. Companies that have not yet updated their classification and labelling need to start making revisions immediately. 

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please get in touch with us via service@cirs-group.com

स्रोत द्वारा सीआईआरएस

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