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Ice hockey training equipment sitting against hockey net

प्रदर्शन सुधारने के लिए आइस हॉकी प्रशिक्षण उपकरण

Ice hockey requires a lot of practice and skill to play, with its fast paced maneuvers, heavy hitting, and precise shot making. Everyone from young children just starting out to adults who have been playing for many years can benefit from using specific ice hockey training equipment to enhance their skills and set them on the right path to playing at a higher level. Keep reading to learn all about the top selling pieces of training equipment for ice hockey available on the market today.

विषय - सूची
Global market value of ice hockey equipment
Types of ice hockey training equipment

Global market value of ice hockey equipment

Ice hockey player lining up to hit pucks into net

Ice hockey isn’t the easiest sport for people to play but once the right skill development is put in place it can be a sport that people will enjoy all of their lives. It’s predominantly played indoors on an ice rink but outdoor ice hockey in the winter months is a very popular alternative for recreational players and even some professional ice hockey teams play a game or two in an outdoor atmosphere. Wherever ice hockey is being played, having the right equipment is crucial.

Ice hockey player lacing up ice skates for training

By 2023 the global market value of ice hockey equipment reached USD 1.91 billion. That number is projected to increase to at least 2.43 तक USD 2028 बिलियन, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.94% during that period. Consumers are increasingly looking for ways to stay fit in the winter months, and with governments promoting ice hockey participation in children the demand for ice hockey equipment has never been greater.

Types of ice hockey training equipment

Ice hockey sticks lined up against wall of hockey rink

With demand for ice hockey equipment growing, the industry has seen a large rise in the amount of training equipment being produced. There is a wide selection of ice hockey training equipment readily available to help enhance the skills and abilities of consumers regardless of their current level. 

Ice hockey skates and helmet hung up in changing room

According to Google Ads, “ice hockey training equipment” has an average monthly search volume of 1900. Over a 6 month period, between June and November 2023, searches increased 49% with the most searches coming in December at 4400.

When looking at specific types of equipment, Google Ads shows that “hockey shooting pads” comes out on top with 4400 searches followed by “agility cones” with 1000, “speed chute” with 720, and “ice hockey treadmill” with 590 searches. Keep reading to learn more about each of these pieces of ice hockey training equipment.

Hockey shooting pads

Man using hockey shooting pads as target practice off ice

Hockey shooting pads are highly sought after among consumers since they can be used for children and adults who are looking to improve their shot accuracy. These targets are often attached to the frame of the hockey net so that the shooter can work on their aim, either from a stationary position or by skating up to the net from a distance. 

There are various sizing options available with hockey shooting pads and it’s important that they’re made of a durable material that won’t break from the heavy impact of the puck. Some of these pads will have targets painted on them so the shooter has a specific area of the pad to focus on.

Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between June and November 2023, searches for “hockey shooting pads” increased 33% with the most searches coming between November and January at 6600.

चपलता शंकु

Two types of agility cones used in hockey training session

चपलता शंकु are a very versatile type of training equipment that’s used in sports such as फुटबाल सॉकर to help with footwork. They’re equally as important when it comes to ice hockey though, as players will have to skate in between these cones either with or without the puck which helps them work on their agility and focus on bursts of speed. Since these agility cones will be placed on ice they should have a non-slip surface underneath them or a weighted bottom to ensure they stay in place.

Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between June and November 2023, searches for “agility cones” remained steady at 1000 searches per month.

Speed chute

Black and white speed chute opened to show size

बीत रहा है एक speed chute on hand for ice hockey training is the perfect way for coaches to work on improving their players speed and lower-body strength. Speed chutes are generally made of nylon or polyester so that they won’t tear easily, with an adjustable waistband to securely fit around the waist of the player regardless of their size. They’re a very portable piece of ice hockey training equipment to use which is what makes them so popular.

Speed chutes are designed to create drag when a player is in motion in order to help develop power and leg strength. Ice hockey players are required to exert a lot more energy to move around the ice when using a speed chute so when they’re playing a regular game without one the idea is that they’ll move quicker and more effectively. 

Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between June and November 2023, searches for “speed chute” remained steady at 720 searches per month.

Ice hockey treadmill

Ice hockey treadmill with ropes to attach to player

One of the most unique types of ice hockey training equipment available in today’s market is the ice hockey treadmill. It works in a similar way to a running treadmill but the user will be wearing ice skates on a synthetic surface that mimics the feeling of being on real ice. This treadmill is the perfect way to develop lower-body strength in younger players and at the same time it enables them to practice their skating movements in a safe environment.

The more advanced versions of the ice hockey treadmill will be able to provide feedback for the player as well as video analysis which will further aid in the development of the player and can help coaches to create a personalized training program.

Google Ads shows that over a 6 month period, between June and November 2023, searches for “ice hockey treadmill” increased 33% with the most searches coming in February at 880.


Ice hockey equipment sitting on plain white ice

The most popular types of ice hockey training equipment enable players of all levels to work on their performance and focus on areas of their game that they want to improve. Ice hockey isn’t all about putting the puck in the back of the net. There’s a lot of skill development that goes into playing the game and these training aids offer players the chance to improve their personal performance. 

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