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माल बाज़ार अपडेट: 15 मार्च, 2024

समुद्री माल बाजार अद्यतन

चीन-उत्तरी अमेरिका

  • दर परिवर्तन: The ocean freight rates from China to North America display contrasting trends; West Coast lanes witness a slight decrease of around 5%, attributed to a minor dip in demand. In contrast, East Coast rates exhibit a relative stability, hinting at a steadier demand. This variance underscores ongoing complexities in trade dynamics, with projections suggesting a cautious near-term outlook on rate movements, influenced by ongoing geopolitical events and trade policies.
  • बाज़ार परिवर्तन: The market is adjusting, with U.S. container imports showing resilience in February, despite a murky forecast. The Chinese New Year’s timing has added volatility, impacting shipment schedules. Amidst these conditions, transpacific trade lane negotiations reveal shippers’ hesitance, faced with a 10-15% fluctuation in spot rates and concerns over service reliability.


  • दर परिवर्तन: Freight rates from China to Europe have marginally increased by nearly 3%, as carriers manage capacity against fluctuating demand through strategic blank sailings and the contemplation of GRIs. The post-Chinese New Year period brings additional unpredictability to rate stability.
  • बाज़ार परिवर्तन: European market dynamics are shaped by lingering high inventory levels against a backdrop of cautious demand recovery, potentially softening the impact of anticipated rate increases. The influx of new, ultra-large vessels challenges carriers to navigate capacity amidst evolving trade flows, hinting at a complex rebalancing act.

एयर फ्रेट/एक्सप्रेस बाजार अद्यतन

चीन-अमेरिका और यूरोप

  • दर परिवर्तन: Air freight rates from China to the U.S. have decreased by around 20%, while rates to Europe have surged by approximately 15%. These trends underscore distinct demand patterns, with Europe witnessing a revival in cargo movements. Despite these variances, a global rate decrease of nearly 10% indicates a fiercely competitive landscape, where capacity adjustments and demand shifts are pivotal.
  • बाज़ार परिवर्तन: The sector is witnessing a cautious demand recovery and strategic capacity recalibrations. Notably, e-commerce continues to shape route dynamics, offering airlines a strategic leverage. With a 13% increase in tonnage from the Middle East & South Asia, the air freight market responds agilely to geopolitical tensions and economic shifts, showcasing its resilience and adaptability.

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