Energy Ministry To Launch Separate Bidding Process For Onshore Wind & PV By 2024-End
نکات کلیدی
- Romania has formally approved the CfD scheme to enable 5 GW renewable energy installation
- The €3 billion budget is planned to be exhausted over 2 rounds for onshore wind and solar PV projects
- For solar PV, under round 1, the previously announced 1 GW capacity has been lowered to 500 MW
The Ministry of Energy in Romania has adopted the country’s Contracts for Difference (CfD) as the State Aid Scheme to support the production of renewable energy from onshore wind and solar PV projects. It targets to enable 5 GW combined capacity to come online.
With a budget of €3 billion, the scheme is to be funded by the ministry from the Modernization Fund. It estimates between 50 to 250 beneficiaries to avail the allocated budget.
The 1st auction round is scheduled to be launched by the end of 2024 for projects with a minimum installed capacity of 5 MW. There will be separate bidding procedures for each technology. For the 1st round, 1 GW will be available for onshore wind, and 500 MW for solar PV. The share of solar PV has been lowered from 1 GW announced previously (see Romania Releases CfD Auction Schedule For 5 GW).
This 500 MW PV capacity dropped from the 1st round will be carry forwarded to the 2nd CfD auction round scheduled for Q3 2025. In the 2nd round, onshore wind will be allocated 1.5 GW, and solar PV remaining 2 GW to complete the 5 GW capacity target.
The CfD scheme for the entire 5 GW capacity is targeted to be completed by December 31, 2025. Winners will enter contracts for a period of 15 years.
In July 2024, the country’s Parliament clearing a law to make energy storage systems mandatory for all prosumers, however the local prosumers association is against the same (see Romania To Make Energy Storage Mandatory).
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