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জৈবপ্রযুক্তি গবেষণা করা

অগ্রিম পূর্বরূপ: ২০তম পপস পর্যালোচনা কমিটির সভা গঠনের জন্য প্রধান প্রস্তাবগুলি প্রস্তুত

The 20th Meetings of the Stockholm Convention’s POP Review Committee and the Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee are scheduled for September 23-27, 2024. An online preparatory session will be held on September 11, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM (UTC+2).

the POPRC.20 meeting

The following pivotal proposals are slated for deliberation at the POPRC.20 meeting.

1. Inclusion of PXDD/Fs in POPs Annex C

Switzerland’s proposal targets the inclusion of polybrominated and mixed chlorinated/brominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs and PBCDD/Fs) in Annex C of the Stockholm Convention, urging global efforts to significantly reduce their unintentional release.

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), though part of PXDD/Fs, were listed in Annex C of the POPs as of 2004.

Proposal Overview: PXDD/Fs, largely emitted from urban waste incineration, represent over 90% of total emissions. The use of brominated flame retardants increases PBDD/Fs emissions. These persistent compounds pose significant health risks, such as endocrine disruption and potential carcinogenic effects. Studies by the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) highlight the high toxicity of even minimal PXDD/Fs levels. Despite strict regulations, a 2020 survey revealed significant PBDD/Fs in many toys.

2. Review of Chlorpyrifos Risk Assessment

Following the 19th meeting (POPRC.19), POPRC.20 will review Chlorpyrifos’ risk management due to its long-chain environmental transport. Recognizing significant health and environmental risks, the committee recommends urgent mitigation measures.

  • Total Ban: Mandate a complete ban on chlorpyrifos, including production and trade, without exceptions (Annex A).
  • Conditional Limits: Restrict chlorpyrifos under specific conditions and uses (Annexes A or B).
  • Exposure Control: Set occupational exposure limits and promote protective equipment use.
  • Residue Limits: Define national residue limits for chlorpyrifos in water, soil, and food.
  • Waste Handling: Ensure environmentally safe disposal of expired stocks and cleanup of contaminated sites.

3. Assessment of High-Chlorine Chlorinated Paraffins

The Committee advocates adding chlorinated paraffins with C14-17 chains and at least 45% chlorination to POPs Annex A, considering some exemptions.

4. Management of POPs in Products and Wastes

Following Decision SC-11/12, the Committee will explore handling strategies for existing POPs in products and waste, and review related production and trade issues.

5. Ban Progress for Brominated Diphenyl Ethers Products

The Committee will examine a Secretariat report on eliminating brominated diphenyl ethers and reassess necessary exemptions due to expire by 2030.

Overview of the Stockholm Convention

The Stockholm Convention, established by the international community in 2001 to protect human health and the environment, took effect in China on November 11, 2004. It targets the control or elimination of persistent organic pollutants known for their durability, bioaccumulation, and potential for long-range dispersion.

Regulatory Actions for Chemicals Classified in the POPs Annexes

Attachment A (Elimination): Includes substances with severe environmental and health risks, targeted for complete ban or phased-out production, use, import, and export.

Attachment B (Restriction): Features substances that are hazardous yet necessary under controlled conditions due to the absence of alternatives, focusing on reducing their environmental and health impacts.

Attachment C (Unintentional Production): Covers substances accidentally produced in industrial processes, such as chemical or combustion by-products, with management focused on stringent emission control and environmental monitoring to mitigate their release.

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সূত্র থেকে সিআইআরএস 

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মতামত দিন

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