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লাল হামিংবার্ডের খাবারের উপর বসে আছে একটি হামিংবার্ড

২০২৪ সালে হামিংবার্ডদের আকর্ষণ করার জন্য ৯টি সেরা ফিডার

Hummingbirds are like nature’s little jewels, having colorful feathers and amazing activeness. You know how magical these tiny creatures can be when spotted in a backyard by chance. But did you know that placing hummingbird feeders in gardens can attract them to these spaces?

Various hummingbird feeders are available in the present market, each designed to lure these cute feathered creatures to your garden. Experienced and beginner bird watchers need a suitable feeder to create a vibrant, welcoming environment for hummingbirds.

With so many options available, we’ve curated this guide to help you choose the best hummingbird feeders for your store in 2024.

The global outdoor bird feeder market
Factors to consider when selecting hummingbird feeders
Top 9 feeders to attract hummingbirds in 2024

The global outdoor bird feeder market

As more people embrace backyard bird watching as a peaceful, enjoyable hobby, the demand for bird feeders, including hummingbird feeders keeps rising. The global outdoor bird feeder market was estimated to be worth 208.38 মিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার in 2023 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.04% during the forecast period, 2024- 2030.

According to Google ads data, hummingbird feeders have 135,000 average monthly searches with a 14 to 17% increase in the last four months. Some of the factors driving this demand are the increase in;

Wildlife support in urban settings

Placing hummingbird feeders in backyards is a simple yet effective way to attract these birds in modern cities. The more homeowners set up feeders in their yards, the more they play an active role in helping hummingbirds and other bird species thrive. This movement to accommodate wildlife in urban areas has created a growing market for bird feeders.

Backyard bird-watching

four feeding hummingbirds around a hummingbird feeder in a garden

More people were stuck at home during the pandemic, and bird-watching became a delightful hobby. This interest continues to grow, increasing the demand for bird feeders.

Eco-friendly bird feeders

People are becoming more aware of how their decisions affect the environment. This increases the demand for feeders made from sustainable materials and feeders that repel small insects and unwanted guests.

Factors to consider when selecting hummingbird feeders


The size and capacity of a feeder determine the quantity of nectar it can contain. A large feeder with many ports can accommodate several birds and allow them to feed simultaneously. Since nectar can easily spoil in hot weather, choose a size that accommodates enough nectar to be refreshed regularly.

Color and design

The color of a bird feeder can attract or repel hummingbirds. These tiny creatures are more attracted to bright red or pink. While you want to choose feeders that appeal to your customers’ outdoor space and taste, remember that even the most straightforward feeder can look stunning when surrounded by many colorful hummingbirds.

বস্তুগত বিষয়

Since feeders are used outdoors, consider high-quality materials. Choose durable glass, copper, or plastic hummingbird feeders that can be used year-round. They come in various styles and are resistant to weather conditions.

কীটপতঙ্গ নিয়ন্ত্রণ

Feeders with features that repel pests should be a significant consideration. You want hummingbirds to enjoy their meals without competing with other pests. Ant moats prevent insects from reaching the nectar, and bee guards keep flying bees away. Choose feeders equipped with these insect-repellent features for easy feeding.

পরিষ্কারের সহজতা

Feeders should be cleaned about 3-4 times weekly to give hummingbirds a happy, healthy feeding experience. Look out for functional feeders that are easy to disassemble; this removes the stress of cleaning hummingbird nectar from hard-to-reach compartments.

Top 9 feeders to attract hummingbirds in 2024

1. Glass hummingbird feeders

a hummingbird feeding from a glass red and black feeder

Glass hummingbird feeders have an average monthly search of 8100. In addition to their ability to resist weather elements, the clear, transparent glass body allows easy monitoring of nectar volume. Most of them have a wide mouth for easy filling and cleaning. Homeowners who value aesthetics and durability would love গ্লাস হামিংবার্ড ফিডার adorned with decorative flowers.

2. Plastic hummingbird feeders

a red plastic hanging hummingbird feeder in a garden

Many models of plastic hummingbird feeders have built-in ant moats and bee guards to repel pests and give hummingbirds a great feeding experience. The plastic hummingbird feeder is a top choice for businesses and families who want an affordable bird feeder that doesn’t compromise on features.

3. Copper hummingbird feeders

A hummingbird feeder made from copper has a rustic, durable look. It is often paired with plastic or glass reservoirs and a few intricate details to provide a classic look. Copper feeders would be a worthy investment for homeowners who want to add antique vibes to their backyard.

4. Bottle feeders

hummingbird feeder feeding from a yellow bottle with parts water

Bottle feeders are often inverted with a bottle that hangs upside down. They have a large nectar reservoir and many feeding ports with parts for water. For customers who want an option that attracts a crowd of hummingbirds without frequent refilling, this one’s for them. Go for bottle feeder models with large mouths for ease of cleaning.

5. Hanging feeders

Hummingbird flying towards a green hummingbird feeder with vibrant colors

Most feeders come as hanging feeders to be hung on a tree branch.  They have a portable ring as a hanger and can be hung around multiple locations. Using hanging feeders can be a fun way for bird enthusiasts to watch these species feed.

6. Saucer feeders

Hummingbird feeding from a feeding port on a red saucer feeder

A saucer feeder is designed as a shallow bowl that holds nectar. The lid has feeding ports through which hummingbirds can easily feed on the nectar. They are easier to clean and refill than bottle feeders. Birdwatchers love this option because its প্রশস্ত থালা offers a clear view of feeding hummingbirds.

7. Window-mounted hummingbird feeders

There are hummingbird feeders designed to attach to windows through suction cups or by hanging. These feeding stations are small, and they usually hold less nectar. A window-mounted feeder would be a great educational tool for children and birdwatchers.

8. Decorative feeders

hummingbird perched on a unique design feeder

A hummingbird feeder with an artistic design can enhance a garden’s visual appeal and create a striking look. You can see decorative feeders in stylish flower shapes and colors made from ceramic or glass. Go for decorative feeders with bright colors to help your customers create a stunning garden that attracts hummingbirds.

9. Solar-powered hummingbird feeders

Have you ever imagined a magical lit-up garden surrounded by cute hummingbirds at night? The solar-powered bird feeders can bring that to life. A bird feeder with built-in solar panels and LED lights that charge during the day and glow at night. These magical feeders are the best for homeowners and businesses that want to attract hummingbirds and create a captivating atmosphere in their gardens.


The right hummingbird feeder can create an attractive garden or backyard full of colorful birds. Remember to prioritize factors like material, capacity, and pest control to help your customers make a choice that suits their lifestyle and taste.

The functional bird feeders we’ve mentioned above can attract these beautiful birds and give any yard the touch of magic it deserves. Stock up on these hummingbird feeders on Cooig.com to create an inviting outdoor scenery of hummingbirds that will delight your customers and their guests.

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