መግቢያ ገፅ » ምርቶች ምንጭ » የሸማች ኤሌክትሮኒክስ » ሳምሰንግ ጋላክሲ ኤስ24 አልትራ ሶስተኛ ዋና የካሜራ ማሻሻያ

ሳምሰንግ ጋላክሲ ኤስ24 አልትራ ሶስተኛ ዋና የካሜራ ማሻሻያ

Credible tech insider Ice Universe has revealed details regarding a forthcoming software update specifically targeted at enhancing the camera capabilities of the Galaxy S24 Ultra. This update, positioned as the third major camera-focused update for the device. It aims to address lingering issues that persisted after the previous optimizations.


ሳምሰንግ ጋላክሲ S24 Ultra

The primary focus of this update appears to be on improving the telephoto lens’ performance. Users have reported concerns regarding telephoto image quality, and the update will rectify these issues. Additionally, white balance accuracy is slated for further refinement. With a particular emphasis on reducing the occasional appearance of an abnormal red tint in captured photos.

While a specific release date remains undisclosed, industry publication SamMobile speculates that the update will likely arrive sometime between May and June 2024.

It’s noteworthy that the previous significant camera update for the S24 Ultra addressed white balance and exposure inconsistencies. Samsung also implemented improvements in low-light photography and color accuracy within the Expert RAW camera application.

Looking ahead, there’s a possibility that the upcoming update might introduce support for a novel shooting mode dubbed “AstroPortrait.” This feature, however, remains unconfirmed at this time.

The continuous refinement of the Galaxy S24 Ultra camera through software updates underscores Samsung’s commitment to providing users with the best possible mobile photography experience. By addressing user feedback and implementing targeted improvements, Samsung is ensuring that the S24 Ultra remains a competitive force in the ever-evolving smartphone camera market. This iterative approach allows Samsung to optimize camera performance without requiring a hardware upgrade. Ultimately benefiting users who can leverage the enhanced capabilities without needing to purchase a new device.

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ምንጭ ከ ጂዚኛ

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