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Blue photovoltaic solar panels mounted on building roof

የሀገሪቱ 8M/2023 የሶላር ፒቪ ጭነቶች በወር ትንሽ ወድቀዋል ግን አሁንም ከ1 GW

  • Germany’s solar installations in August 2023 added up to 1.056 GW, according to Bundenetzagentur  
  • It contributes to 8.99 GW the country added within the initial 8 months of this year, with the largest chunk reported for July 
  • Cumulative installed solar PV capacity of Germany at the end of August 2023 reached 76.48 GW 

Latest renewable energy installations data from Bundesnetzagentur shows Germany’s monthly installations for solar PV dropped compared to previous months to 1.056 GW However, adjusted registrations from the beginning of the year now takes the country’s 8M/2023 installations to 8.99 GW. The government’s solar installation target is 9 GW for 2023.

The Federal Network Agency has now revised upwards the installed figures for all the months this year, including for the month of July 2023. It now boasts of 1.317 GW new solar installations instead of 1.2 GW announced previously. Though lower than monthly installations for each of the last 6 months, it exceeded the GW level for 6 months in a row.

July 2023 is now the month with the largest volume of PV capacity added this year to date, inching the country closer to 1.57 GW it needs to add every month to achieve 215 GW cumulative capacity by 2030.  

If it continues to add even 1 GW/month for the remaining 4 months, Germany will exit 2023 with over 13 GW annual installed capacity, well above the 7.2 GW mark it reached in 2022.  

At the end of August 2023, Germany’s total installed PV capacity stood at 76.48 GW.   

Among other renewable energy sources, Germany added 156 MW new onshore wind and 41 MW biomass capacity in the month of August 2023 according to the agency’s market master data register.  

ምንጭ ከ ታይያንግ ዜና

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