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የኢነርጂ ገበያ

የጀርመን ኢነርጂ ገበያ ከፍተኛ ውዥንብር በነሀሴ ወር በ68 ሰአታት አሉታዊ ዋጋዎች

Rabot Charge, a German renewable energy supplier, says the average spot electricity price in August rose slightly from July to €0.082 ($0.09)/kWh. The increase was due to a slightly below-average share of renewable sources in grid electricity.

የውሂብ ገበታ

Image: Rabot Charge

ከ pv መጽሔት ጀርመን

German spot market electricity prices fluctuated significantly in August, according to Rabot Charge. Prices ranged from €0.30/kWh to -€0.06/kWh, with negative prices for 68 hours.

The German renewable energy supplier said that the average electricity price for August was €0.082/kWh, up from €0.0677 in July. The most expensive month of the year so far has been June, with an average price of €0.0859/kWh.

Rabot Charge noted that 57% of grid electricity came from renewable sources in August, slightly below the annual average of 62%. This reduction in renewable energy share contributed to the higher average electricity price in August compared to July.

July experienced high levels of solar power generation and a record number of hours with negative electricity prices, totaling 81 hours.

All suppliers will be required to offer dynamic electricity prices in 2025, including sales costs, profit margins, levies, duties, and taxes. For instance, Rabot Energy’s tariff in August averaged €0.2821/kWh.

According to Stiftung Warentest, which analyzed dynamic electricity tariffs from 20 German suppliers, Rabot Energy ranks among the top three for the lowest fixed-cost components in its dynamic tariff.

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