የውቅያኖስ ጭነት ገበያ ማሻሻያ
ቻይና - ሰሜን አሜሪካ
- የደረጃ ለውጦች፡- The freight rates for most Transpacific Eastbound (TPEB) routes remain low.
- የገበያ ለውጦች፡- The TPEB capacity is abundant for weeks after the Chinese New Year, while demand remains at a low level.
ቻይና - አውሮፓ
- የደረጃ ለውጦች፡- Affected by low demand, the freight rates are under downward pressure. The overall rate levels in February will be reduced or remain unchanged.
የአየር ጭነት / ኤክስፕረስ የገበያ ማሻሻያ
- የደረጃ ለውጦች፡-
Freight via JL (Economy): Increased US-bound base freight rate and decreased Europe-bound base freight rate
Air Charter Express US (Premium): Decreased peak season surcharge
Express via JY (Premium): Freight rates of heavy goods above 40 kgs decreased for the following destinations: US, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, UK
China–Southeast Asia
- የገበያ ለውጦች፡- Demand in export to Southeast Asian countries remains low. Export to Vietnam is trending downwards.
ማስተባበያበዚህ ጽሑፍ ውስጥ ያሉት ሁሉም መረጃዎች እና አመለካከቶች ለማጣቀሻ ዓላማዎች ብቻ የተሰጡ ናቸው እና ምንም ዓይነት የኢንቨስትመንት ወይም የግዢ ምክር አይደሉም። በዚህ ዘገባ ውስጥ የተጠቀሰው መረጃ ከህዝብ ገበያ ሰነዶች ነው እና ሊለወጥ ይችላል. Cooig.com ከላይ ላለው መረጃ ትክክለኛነት ወይም ታማኝነት ምንም አይነት ዋስትና ወይም ዋስትና አይሰጥም።