As part of its ongoing investigation, the European Commission has provisionally concluded that the battery electric vehicles (BEV) value chain in China benefits from unfair subsidization, which is causing a threat of economic injury to EU BEV producers. The investigation also examined the likely consequences and impact of measures on importers, users and consumers of BEVs in the EU.
በመሆኑም ኮሚሽኑ በነዚህ ግኝቶች ላይ ለመወያየት እና የተለዩትን ጉዳዮች ከ WTO ጋር በሚስማማ መልኩ ለመፍታት የሚቻልባቸውን መንገዶች ለመቃኘት ከቻይና ባለስልጣናት ጋር ተገናኝቷል።
In this context, the Commission has pre-disclosed the level of provisional countervailing duties it would impose on imports of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) from China. Should discussions with Chinese authorities not lead to an effective solution, these provisional countervailing duties would be introduced from 4 July by a guarantee (in the form to be decided by customs in each Member State). They would be collected only if and when definitive duties are imposed.
ኮሚሽኑ ለናሙና ለቀረቡት ሶስት ቻይናውያን አምራቾች የሚመለከተው የግለሰብ ተግባር፡-
- BYD: 17.4%;
- Geely: 20%; and
- SAIC: 38.1%.
በቻይና ያሉ ሌሎች የ BEV አምራቾች፣ በምርመራው ላይ ትብብር ያደርጉ ነገር ግን ናሙና ያልተወሰዱ፣ በሚከተለው የክብደት መጠን አማካይ 21% ቀረጻ ይገዛሉ።
በቻይና ውስጥ በምርመራው ውስጥ ያልተባበሩት ሁሉም ሌሎች የ BEV አምራቾች ለሚከተሉት ቀሪ ግዴታዎች ተገዢ ይሆናሉ፡ 38.1%.
Procedure and next steps. እ.ኤ.አ. ኦክቶበር 4 2023 ኮሚሽኑ ከቻይና ለሚመጡ ተሳፋሪዎች የባትሪ ኤሌክትሪክ ተሽከርካሪዎችን ወደ ሀገር ውስጥ በማስገባት ላይ የቀድሞ የቢሮ ፀረ-ድጎማ ምርመራን በይፋ ጀምሯል። ማንኛውም ምርመራ በተጀመረበት ከፍተኛ 13 ወራት ውስጥ ይጠናቀቃል። ጊዜያዊ የመልሶ ማቋቋም ስራዎች በኮሚሽኑ በ9 ወራት ውስጥ ሊታተም ይችላል (ማለትም በመጨረሻው ጁላይ 4)። ጊዜያዊ ግዴታዎች ከተጫነ በኋላ በ 4 ወራት ውስጥ ወሳኝ እርምጃዎች መወሰድ አለባቸው.
Following a substantiated request, one BEV producer in China—Tesla—may receive an individually calculated duty rate at the definitive stage. Any other company producing in China not selected in the final sample that wishes to have its particular situation investigated can ask for an accelerated review, in line with the basic anti-subsidy Regulation, just after imposition of definitive measures (i.e. 13 months after initiation). The deadline for concluding such a review is 9 months.
Information about the intended levels of provisional duties is provided to all interested parties (including Union producers, importers and exporters and their representative associations, Chinese exporting producers and their representative associations, and the country of origin and/or export, i.e. China), and to the EU Member States before any such measures are imposed, in line with the procedures set out by the EU basic anti-subsidy Regulation. This information is also being made public on the Commission’s website.
ምንጭ ከ አረንጓዴ መኪና ኮንግረስ
የኃላፊነት ማስተባበያ፡- ከላይ የተገለጸው መረጃ በ ከ ገለልተኛ ነው። ስለ ሻጩ እና ምርቶች ጥራት እና አስተማማኝነት ምንም አይነት ውክልና እና ዋስትና አይሰጥም።