In 2023, SUVs made up over half of all battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) sales, according to the US Department of Energy (DOE).
Manufacturers now offer EVs in a wide range of vehicle classes. The small SUV category had the highest sales, but combined with the standard SUV category, SUVs overall accounted for 53% of BEV sales and 83% of all PHEV sales. Cars (represented by the blue shades in the chart) were under 10% of all PHEV sales but accounted for 43.4% of BEV sales.

Source: Argonne National Laboratory, Light Duty Electric Drive Vehicles Monthly Sales Update
ምንጭ ከ አረንጓዴ መኪና ኮንግረስ
የኃላፊነት ማስተባበያ፡- ከላይ የተገለጸው መረጃ በ ከ ገለልተኛ ነው። ስለ ሻጩ እና ምርቶች ጥራት እና አስተማማኝነት ምንም አይነት ውክልና እና ዋስትና አይሰጥም። አሊባባ.ኮም ከይዘት የቅጂ መብት ጋር በተያያዙ ጥሰቶች ማንኛውንም ተጠያቂነት ያስወግዳል።