የመኖሪያ ማስረከቢያ ክፍያ
A residential delivery fee may be charged by a trucker for delivery to a residential location.
የእርስዎ ጉዞ ወደ ሎጂስቲክስ መዝገበ ቃላት
A residential delivery fee may be charged by a trucker for delivery to a residential location.
A liftgate fee is typically charged by a trucker for delivery to a location where a liftgate service is needed due to a lack of a loading dock.
A truck waiting fee is chargeable by a trucker if it takes longer than the typical free 1-2 hours waiting time to pick up or unload a full container.
A customs hold happens when the local customs authorities detain the goods imported into a country in order to check for compliance with the relevant shipping laws.
An inside delivery fee is charged by a trucker in situations where a trucker is required to enter a delivery or pick-up location to make a final delivery.
A reefer container (RF) is a shipping container that keeps its contents at a controlled temperature.
A Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) is a designated area in or near a U.S. Port of Entry where goods are exempt from customs tariffs and other taxes.
Shipment Gross Weight is the cumulative weight of an entire shipment, calculated by adding the tare and net weights.
የሚሞላው ክብደት የአየር ወይም የኤልሲኤል ጭነት አቅራቢ የደንበኞችን ጭነት ለማንቀሳቀስ የሚያስከፍለው ክብደት ሲሆን አብዛኛውን ጊዜ የሚለካው የክብደት መጠን እና አጠቃላይ ክብደትን በማስላት እና ከፍተኛውን ክብደት በመምረጥ ነው።
A full truckload (FTL) is a shipment large enough that it requires a full truck for its transportation.
Less than truckload (LTL) is a freight trucking method for smaller shipments that don’t fill up a truck and can be combined together to fill up a full truckload.
A dry run refers to a trucking scenario when a trucker is unable to complete a pickup or delivery.
A clean truck fee is levied by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach as part of the Clear Air Action Plan to help cut down on air pollution.
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that lists all potential hazards and the safe handling process of all potentially dangerous goods.