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Non-invasive tweakments, from baby botox to dermal fillers, are on the rise, presenting beauty retailers with great new product opportunities to capitalize on. These range from ‘notox’ to pre- and post-op care.

So read on to discover how plumping ingredients, beauty tools and healing formats are tapping into tweakment culture and how your business can thrive by following these trends.

ዝርዝር ሁኔታ
What are tweakments
Tweakment trends
‘Notox’ tweakments
Tweakment tools
Beauty beyond botox
Pre- and post-op-portunities

What are tweakments

Tweakment is a play on the words ‘tweak’ and ‘treatment’. Tweakments refers to non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments like botox, facial and lip fillers, facial peels, microneedling treatments, amongst others. These treatments typically aim to make small changes to one’s appearance without having to undergo surgery.

Demand for non-invasive treatments is the leading growth in the botox market. In 2020, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reported 13.3 ሚሊዮን minimally invasive procedures performed, including soft tissue fillers around the eyes, mouth, cheeks, jawline, brows and nose.

Cosmetic surgeons worldwide saw an increase in treatments following the pandemic lockdown and called this increase the “Zoom Boom.” After months of staring at ourselves on our computer screens due to virtual meetings, many people have become more critical of their facial features.

Since the pandemic began, the British Association of Plastic Surgeons reported a የ 70% ጭማሪ in virtual consultations. In comparison, ASPS saw a የ 64% ጭማሪ. In South Korea, the plastic surgery platform ZocDoc increased from 11,612 daily users in January 2020 to 13,653 በማርች 2020. As demand for non-invasive treatments increases, the market is projected to grow from US $7.32 billion in 2022 to በ14.6 2030 ቢሊዮን ዶላር.

Google search data found that ‘microblading’, ‘lip filler,’ and ‘blepharoplasty’ were among the top-searched cosmetic tweakments 2022 ውስጥ.

This increase can also be attributed to the uptrending faux effortless aesthetic taking over as the new no-make-up make-up look. Wearing minimal make-up will require maximal skincare.

In 2023, there will be more honest conversations about what it takes to maintain this faux effortlessness, whether achieved by cosmetic procedures or tweakment-inspired products.

But what does it mean to go beyond tweakments? While procedures that fall into the tweakment category have been steadily increasing, so has the demand for alternative product solutions with ingredients that give tweakment-like results.

man using facial peel

‘Notox’ tweakments

Notox is a treatment or product that provides the plumbing or lifting effect that someone may seek from botox without the needle. Google searches for ‘enzyme peels’ and ‘creams like Botox’ have seen significant year-over-year increases as frugal consumers search for effective ‘notox’ solutions and commitment-free alternatives.

Alternative product solutions with ingredients such as salicylic, hyaluronic acid, ኒንጋምአይድ, ቫይታሚን ሲ and others are leading in tweakment-like results.

Facial cleansing tools and massage jade roller

Tweakment tools

Facial tools are another great alternative to clinical procedures while providing consumers with intentional beauty rituals that give a sense of calm and escape. Innovations in skincare and beauty tools aim to deliver instant and long-term sculpting, toning and brightening results.

ቤት ውስጥ sculpting tውይ use vibration to help tone, sculpt and firm the skin and facial muscles while reducing fine lines.

While not a physical tool, we have also seen an increase in ‘facial workouts’ to help gain the tone in the face that they’re seeking.

woman putting cream on her hand

Beauty beyond botox

Tweakment-inspired beauty will go beyond the face, expanding into additional categories such as haircare and bodycare.

Google Trends revealed that ‘hair transplants’ were the most searched cosmetic treatment in 2021, and Dr. Munir Somji of the MediSpa clinic reported an increase in the request for hair transplants. When it comes to hair care, beauty brands should not only prioritize products that support hair growth and scalp health but pre- and post-hair transplant solutions.

Hair growth products can include ዘይት, ሻምፑእና እንዲያውም hair growth tools that stimulate the scalp.

In bodycare, there has been an increased interest in products to lift and tighten the breasts and booty. The past year has seen a 98% increase in searches for ‘boob job,’ while the Brazilian Butt Lift has accumulated nearly 50,000 monthly Google Searches.

Bodycare creams use natural ingredients aimed to tighten the skin in intimate areas such as the ጡቶችግን to support a fuller, firmer look.

eye mask, face roller and eye cream on a pink bakcground

Pre- and post-op-portunities

For those who choose to go under the needle, there are numerous product opportunities for pre- and post-operative care to prepare for and support recovery.

Injectable and dermal filler side effects are almost always unavoidable, with bruising and swelling being the most common following tweakment procedures. Many TikTok creators have documented their healing processes and shared tips for speeding up recovery using hashtags such as #LipFillerBeforeAndAfter (13.3m views), #LipFillerCheck (889.4m views) and #UnderEyeFiller (57.m views). This has resulted in recovery products becoming an excellent opportunity to tap into tweakment culture via healing masks, creams and beauty tools.

Take advantage of this opportunity and harness natural and active ingredients known for their healing and soothing properties to aid skin recovery, such as arnica, oat, squalane and hyaluronic acid. Products like these face capsules with antioxidant properties are perfect for healing and brightening the skin.


The beauty industry is evolving, and consumers seek a more natural, no make-up look. This requires more skincare and often tweakments that make small changes to the face. As a result of this trend, there is a significant opportunity for beauty brands to market products that support tweakment recovery and create other products that provide tweakment-like results.

By capitalizing on these trends, brands can ensure they’re well set up for the years to come!

1 thought on “Beyond Tweakments: New Opportunities in the Beauty Market”

  1. Je veux devenir une très grande experte en beauté avec la nouvelle technologie de la beauté j adore vos articles ♥️♥️♥️

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