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Apple and Samsung Join Forces for a Potential Foldable iPhone

Reports surrounding Apple’s foray into the foldable device market have gained momentum with recent reports suggesting a potential partnership with Samsung. This collaboration, if confirmed, could see Samsung supplying foldable display panels for Apple’s upcoming devices.


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The nature of this partnership remains under wraps. However, reports point towards Samsung playing a role in developing the technology behind Apple’s foldable screens, potentially under the codename “iPhone Fold.” This aligns with long-standing reports about Apple’s interest in a vertically folding phone reminiscent of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip. Tentative release dates suggest a late 2026 launch window for this foldable iPhone.

Apple’s patent activity further fuels enthusiasm about its foldable ambitions. These patents showcase designs for various foldable devices, encompassing everything from iPhones to MacBooks. Interestingly, a reported agreement with Samsung involves the production of a 20.3-inch foldable display panel. This size seems excessive for a smartphone but could pave the way for a groundbreaking foldable MacBook. It’s important to note that Apple is known to experiment with innovative technologies, so this large panel might be part of such exploration.

Further details suggest Apple is planning a dual-screen folding device that could function as a hybrid MacBook/iPad. Production for this device is reportedly slated to begin in 2025, with a potential 20.3-inch launch model. Additionally, reports indicate Apple is developing two foldable iPhone screen sizes: 7.9 inches and 8.3 inches.

These developments suggest an acceleration in Apple’s foldable phone development. If the current roadmap holds, we could see the first foldable Apple device, possibly a different form factor than the iPhone, unveiled by the end of 2025. The much-anticipated foldable iPhone itself might then arrive in 2026.

The potential partnership with Samsung is a significant development. Samsung, a pioneer in foldable display technology, could provide Apple with the expertise needed to enter this burgeoning market successfully. With Apple’s design prowess and established user base, a foldable iPhone or iPad could shake up the foldable device landscape and usher in a new era of mobile computing experiences.

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