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Voertuig toebehore

'n moderne BMW

BMW Group bring die eerste fase van die Wackersdorf-batterytoetssentrum aanlyn

Een jaar gelede het die BMW-groep planne aangekondig om 'n nuwe batterytoetssentrum by die Wackersdorf-lokasie te bou. Nou het die aanvanklike fase soos beplan aan die gang gekom. Geskeduleer vir voltooiing aan die einde van 2025, sal die terrein, wat oor meer as 8,000 XNUMX vierkante meter strek, individuele batteryselle streng toets, voltooi ...

BMW Group bring die eerste fase van die Wackersdorf-batterytoetssentrum aanlyn Lees meer »

Audi RS

Audi se 2025 RS e-tron GT-verrigting die kragtigste en vinnigste versnellende Audi-produksievoertuig nog

Audi’s e-tron GT family now includes an S e-tron GT model as the entry to the 2025 line up and an even more extreme RS e-tron GT performance derivative. As the first fully electric RS performance model and the electric halo performance car for Audi, the 2025 RS e-tron GT…

Audi se 2025 RS e-tron GT-verrigting die kragtigste en vinnigste versnellende Audi-produksievoertuig nog Lees meer »

Volvo Semi Tractor Trailer Trucks

Volvo Trucks stel die volgende generasie veiligheidstelsels bekend om voetgangers en fietsryers te beskerm

Volvo Trucks is introducing two safety systems focusing on protecting pedestrians and cyclists. Volvo Trucks continuously develops its active safety systems to protect vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians, all with the purpose of taking steps towards the company’s long-term vision of zero accidents involving Volvo trucks. The…

Volvo Trucks stel die volgende generasie veiligheidstelsels bekend om voetgangers en fietsryers te beskerm Lees meer »


MIPS stel P8700-hoëprestasie-KI-geaktiveerde RISC-V-motor-SVE vry vir ADAS en outonome voertuie

MIPS, a developer of efficient and configurable IP compute cores, announced the general availability (GA) launch of the MIPS P8700 Series RISC-V Processor. Designed to meet the low-latency, highly intensive data movement demands of the most advanced automotive applications such as ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), the P8700 delivers industry-leading…

MIPS stel P8700-hoëprestasie-KI-geaktiveerde RISC-V-motor-SVE vry vir ADAS en outonome voertuie Lees meer »

Vrou se motor het onklaar geraak en hulp ontbied.

Noodsaaklike voertuigonderhoudswenke vir langtermynprestasie

Maintaining your vehicle is vital to ensuring long-term performance and can save you from costly repairs down the road. While some maintenance tasks are common knowledge, others are often overlooked. In this article, we’ll explore essential vehicle maintenance tips designed to keep your car running smoothly for years to come. For those looking […]

Noodsaaklike voertuigonderhoudswenke vir langtermynprestasie Lees meer »

Elektriese motorkraglaai, Laaitegnologie, Skoon energievultegnologie.

Die voor- en nadele van verskillende EV Charger-handelsmerke

Unsplash As electric vehicles grow in popularity, so does the demand for reliable and efficient EV chargers. Picking one brand or model from a plethora of available options can be quite confusing. This article compares various EV charger brands by stating their pros and cons. This should, therefore, put you in a better position to […]

Die voor- en nadele van verskillende EV Charger-handelsmerke Lees meer »

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