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Mariene onderdele en bykomstighede

Maritieme bedrywighede

Hypermotive and Honda Collaborate on X-M1 Hydrogen System for Maritime Operations

Hypermotive Ltd. unveiled the X-M1, a platform for hydrogen fuel cell-based power generation tailored to marine applications. Developed in collaboration with Honda, and underpinned by Hypermotive’s SYSTEM-X technology, X-M1 is a scalable, modular, hydrogen fuel cell power system that makes clean energy transition more accessible and achievable for maritime operators….

Hypermotive and Honda Collaborate on X-M1 Hydrogen System for Maritime Operations Lees meer »

Die enjinkompartement van die skip

MAN 51/60DF dubbelbrandstof-enjin slaag 10 miljoen operasionele ure mylpaal

MAN Energy Solutions announced that its MAN 51/60DF engine has passed the milestone of 10 million operational hours. The dual-fuel engine has proved popular with 310 engines currently in service—an increase of almost 100 units since 2022. The 51/60DF engine, which can run on a wide variety of fuels including…

MAN 51/60DF dubbelbrandstof-enjin slaag 10 miljoen operasionele ure mylpaal Lees meer »

Vragskepe vaar in die waters rondom Singapoer

Fortescue merk die eerste gebruik van ammoniak as seebrandstof in dubbelbrandstofvaartuig in die hawe van Singapoer

Fortescue, with the support of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), government agencies, research institutes, and industry partners, has successfully conducted the world’s first use of ammonia, in combination with diesel in the combustion process, as a marine fuel onboard the Singapore-flagged ammonia-powered vessel, the Fortescue Green Pioneer,…

Fortescue merk die eerste gebruik van ammoniak as seebrandstof in dubbelbrandstofvaartuig in die hawe van Singapoer Lees meer »

Yamaha-buiteboordenjins aan die agterkant van 'n klein motorbootjie vir uitstappies

Yamaha onthul waterstofaangedrewe buiteboordmotor met prototipe brandstofstelsel

Yamaha Motor het die wêreld se eerste waterstofaangedrewe buiteboordmotor vir ontspanningsbote onthul saam met 'n prototipe brandstofstelsel wat in 'n vaartuig geïntegreer is wat die maatskappy beplan om verder te verfyn vir toetsing later vanjaar. (Vroeër plasing.) Die poging is deel van Yamaha se strategie om koolstofneutraliteit te bereik deur veelvuldige tegnologie te ontplooi...

Yamaha onthul waterstofaangedrewe buiteboordmotor met prototipe brandstofstelsel Lees meer »

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