Logistieke Nuusversameling (9 Julie): Intra-Asië-handelsboom, spoordiens verhoog China-Europa-volumes
Rekordhouerverkeer in handel binne-Asië, Europese waterwegvertragings, stygende lugvragvolumes en nuwe China-Europa-spoordienste.
Rekordhouerverkeer in handel binne-Asië, Europese waterwegvertragings, stygende lugvragvolumes en nuwe China-Europa-spoordienste.
Hierdie opdrag dek MSC se markaandeel-mylpaal, Rooi See-krisis, groen vliegtuigbrandstof in China, stygende lugvragvolumes, vraag na pakhuise en wêreldwye handelsgeskille.
Logistieke Nuusversameling (3 Julie): MSC bereik nuwe hoogtes, IATA rapporteer vraggroei Lees meer »
Jongste logistieke nuus: Maersk se rekord-handveskoers, stygende Houthi-aanvalle, vraag na lugvrag, groei in e-handel in die Verenigde Koninkryk, Amerikaanse invoeroplewing en groot investering in Mexiko.
Vragmarkte vertoon gemengde neigings met noemenswaardige koersverhogings in Asië-Europa seevrag en aansienlike verskuiwings in lugvragvraag.
Nuutste in logistiek: Maersk se lugvrag, Lufthansa se München-uitbreiding, stygende intra-Asië-tariewe, West Med-projek, intermodale groei, Amerikaanse kostetendense, EU-tariewe.
'n Kykie na logistieke nuus: Franse hawe-onderbrekings, die heropening van Baltimore se kanaal, Cargojet se China e-handelsooreenkoms en voorsieningskettinguitdagings.
Hierdie versameling dek onlangse ontwikkelings in logistiek, en beklemtoon sleutelkwessies en neigings in see- en lugvervoer, sowel as intermodale en voorsieningskettingsektore.
A comprehensive update on the latest developments in logistics, including Amazon’s logistics overhaul, congestion at Singapore ports, and new air cargo initiatives.
Logistics News Collection (May 30): Amazon Revamps Logistics, Cargo Rates Under Pressure Lees meer »
Stay updated on logistics with high Asia-Europe rates predictions, US air freight infrastructure investments, and Maersk’s air cargo expansion.
Explore the latest developments in the logistics sector, featuring key updates in container shipping, airfreight expansion, and the evolving dynamics of supply chains.
Explore the latest updates in logistics including increased surcharges due to expanding Red Sea risks and new shipping routes opening between Asia and Mexico.
Dive into crucial logistics updates, featuring the significant rerouting of air freight due to geopolitical tensions and the operational struggles of prominent US cargo hubs.
Logistics News Collection (Apr 16): Iran Airspace Avoidance and US Hub Struggles Lees meer »
Explore AI-driven export boom, ecommerce reshaping air cargo, and global shipping’s strategic pivot amidst geopolitical flux in logistics.