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the 10 industries with the largest number of businesses in the us

Die 10 nywerhede met die grootste aantal besighede in die VSA

Trusts en boedels in die VSA
Taxi & Limousine Services in the US
Hair & Nail Salons in the US
Janitorial Services in the US
Real Estate Sales & Brokerage in the US
Credit Counselors, Surveyors & Appraisers in the US
Performers & Creative Artists in the US
Hair Salons in the US
Direct Selling Companies in the US
Management Consulting in the US

1. Trusts en boedels in die VSA

Number of Businesses for 2023: 3,725,601

Die Trusts- en Boedelbedryf bestaan ​​uit trusts, boedels en agentskaprekeninge wat namens begunstigdes geadministreer word onder die bepalings wat in 'n fidusiêre kontrak bepaal word. Bedryfsinkomste, hoofsaaklik saamgestel uit kapitaalwins op vertroude bates en gewone dividende, het oor die afgelope vyf jaar 'n toename getoon. Die bedryf het voordeel getrek uit aansienlike opbrengste in aandelemarkte en waardering in huispryse gedurende die huidige tydperk. Oor die afgelope vyf jaar het inkomste teen 'n CAGR van 2.8% tot $221.4 miljard gestyg, insluitend 'n verwagte 4.2% toename in 2023.

2. Taxi & Limousine Services in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 2,117,510

The Taxi and Limousine Services industry provides nonregular transportation services through vehicles such as taxicabs, limousines and luxury sedans. Rising consumer spending and corporate profit levels have prompted greater industry demand over the past five years, with the exception of 2020. Moreover, the proliferation of ride-sharing applications has led to a sustained wave of nonemploying operators entering the market, bolstering growth. In 2020, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic caused a 47.6% decline in revenue during the year alone. Lockdown mandates throughout the United States during the period reduced industry demand drastically.

3. Hair & Nail Salons in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 1,394,483

The Hair and Nail Salons industry offers haircuts, facials, makeup application services, hair modification treatments, as well as deluxe spa manicures and pedicures. Demand for these services mirrors broader economic performance since economic growth boosts consumer spending on personal care products and services. New products and services have favorably contributed to industry revenue growth in recent years. However, COVID-19 caused revenue for Hair and Nail Salons industry to plunge in 2020.

4. Janitorial Services in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 1,200,270

Janitorial services companies rely heavily on economic growth for revenue, as commercial cleaning services make up more than two-thirds of janitorial services sales. When the economy is doing well, cleaning companies provide services on a more frequent basis and can charge higher prices, as their clients have more funds to spend. Households account for a smaller but still significant revenue share. Residential cleaning services are subject to fluctuations in mortgage rates, as lower rates tend to be linked to a higher number of home purchases.

5. Real Estate Sales & Brokerage in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 1,189,023

Real estate salespeople and brokers sell, buy or rent real estate for others. The industry is closely aligned with the health of the residential and commercial real estate markets in the United States. Revenue is directly correlated with property prices and real estate transaction volumes, and agents are paid completely on a commission basis, receiving a fee only when they close a deal. Also, the residential market accounts for most of revenue, making the real estate sales sensitive to fluctuations in housing prices and existing home sales.

6. Credit Counselors, Surveyors & Appraisers in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 1,137,136

The Credit Counselors, Surveyors and Appraisers industry has experienced significant revenue growth, increasing at an annualized rate of 8.3% to $99.4 billion over the five years to 2022. The industry includes a wide variety of professional and technical service providers, including credit counselors, quantity surveyors, visual inspectors, weather forecasters, arbitrators and commodity inspectors. As a result, the industry is affected by many demographic and macroeconomic factors that have a material influence on the industry. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic benefited credit counselors since more difficult economic conditions caused more consumers to seek financial advice.

7. Performers & Creative Artists in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 1,125,280

Performers and creative artists include independent artists, freelance and bestselling writers, stage and A-list actors and painters, in addition to a dozen other artistic professions. Over 96.0%of working artists don’t employ any workers since revenue in this field can be difficult to come by.The top artists are the ones whose work is highly coveted and revered, and famous authors and actors are capable of earning millions of dollars annually. Some have the fame and financial means that requires themto employ teams to maintain their image, but these account for a slim portion of artists.

8. Hair Salons in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 952,619

Over the past five years, the Hair Salons industry has benefited from rising consumer sentiment and per capita disposable income. These trends have also increased demand for ancillary services to standard haircuts like hair modification treatments (e.g. straightening procedures, perms and relaxing treatments), skincare services and others. Nonetheless, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to the temporary closure of industry establishments and a significant decline in demand in 2020 as individuals had fewer reasons to get haircuts due to stay-at-home mandates and high unemployment.

9. Direct Selling Companies in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 933,234

Operators in the Direct Selling Companies industry retail a range of products from one person to another away from a fixed retail location. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic caused a substantial shift in the industry as mass layoffs propelled industry participation levels, resulting in heightened performance. However, intense competition from big-box retailers and e-commerce has negatively affected the industry, as competitors are able to offer a wider selection of substitute products at lower prices and in a convenient one-stop location.

10. Management Consulting in the US

Number of Businesses for 2023: 901,751

Providing varied services to diverse downstream markets with unique needs allows management consultants to weather changing economic conditions. Extreme shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic led to revenue declines, but sometimes clients need consulting services in bad times, which buffers revenue declines and ensures low revenue volatility. Bouncing back from the COVID-19 pandemic, industry-wide revenue grew at a CAGR of 1.1% to $329.9 billion over the past five years, growing 0.1% in 2023 alone.Technological change in client markets will spur demand for various consulting services, but challenge profit margin growth.

Bron van IBISWêreld

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