What is This » Produkte verkryging » Hernubare energie » Bundesnetzagentur se jongste data toon land oorskry 75 GW kumulatiewe geïnstalleerde PV-kapasiteit
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Bundesnetzagentur se jongste data toon land oorskry 75 GW kumulatiewe geïnstalleerde PV-kapasiteit

  • Bundesnetzagentur says Germany installed 1.2 GW new solar PV capacity in July 2023  
  • It takes the total installed capacity of this technology during 7M/2023 to around 7.7 GW  
  • It is the 5th consecutive month for solar additions in the country to have exceeded 1 GW  

The monthly solar installations in Germany are inching closer to the required 1.57 GW to achieve the 215 GW target by 2030, with the country installing 1.2 GW new solar PV capacity in the month of July 2023, making it the 5th consecutive month to have deployed over 1 GW capacity this year.  

According to Bundesnetzagentur or the Federal Network Agency’s latest statistics, July deployments were higher than 1.16 GW reported for the previous month, which is an adjusted volume from 1.047 GW it reported earlier.  

With 3.045 GW installed in Q1, and 3.45 GW in Q2 and 1.2 GW in July 2023, Germany has now added 7.69 GW since the beginning of the year, taking the cumulative capacity to 75.17 GW.  

If it continues the GW-scale monthly installation trend for the remainder of the year, the country will exit the year with over 12 GW annual capacity in 2023. The agency is also seeing good turnout for its ground mounted and rooftop solar auctions of late, which again is an encouraging sign.      

Germany will be looking to add 22 GW solar annually from 2026 onwards after the government approved BMWK’s Solar Package recently.  

Compared with solar PV, onshore wind additions in July 2023 added up to 206 MW, biomass brought online 7.2 MW capacity and offshore wind, none.  

Bron van Taiyang Nuus

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