What is This » Logistiek » Markopdaterings » Vragmarkopdatering: 28 Februarie 2023

Vragmarkopdatering: 28 Februarie 2023


China – Noord-Amerika

  • Koersveranderinge: The freight rates for most Transpacific Eastbound (TPEB) routes remain low.
  • Markveranderinge: The TPEB capacity is abundant for weeks after the Chinese New Year, while demand remains at a low level. It is expected that carriers will carry out routine blank sailings to stabilize the rates. Port and rail congestion on the west coast of Canada remain low.
  • Aanbeveling: Book freight shipping at least 2 weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD), and have backup plans ready for possible blank sailings.

China – Europa

  • Koersveranderinge: Generally reduced for the second half of February.
  • Markveranderinge: Affected by low demand, rates will remain at a low level in the coming weeks, despite a gradually increasing booking volume.
  • Aanbeveling: Stel 'n buffertyd in wanneer u besendings beplan.

Lugvrag / ekspress markopdatering


  • Koersveranderinge:

Lowered base shipping rate: Electronics Parcels (Premium), Parcels (Premium), Electronics Parcels (Standard), Parcels (Standard), Electronics Parcels (Economy), Parcels (Economy)

Decreased base freight rate: Freight via JL (Economy)

China – Suidoos-Asië

  • Markveranderinge: Demand in export to Southeast Asian countries remains low. The transport capacity is abundant. The Thailand export market picked up slightly this week, but the overall demand remains weak.

Vrywaring: Alle inligting en sienings in hierdie pos word slegs vir verwysingsdoeleindes verskaf en vorm geen beleggings- of aankoopadvies nie. Die inligting wat in hierdie verslag aangehaal word, is uit openbare markdokumente en kan onderhewig wees aan verandering. Cooig.com maak geen waarborge of waarborge vir die akkuraatheid of integriteit van die inligting hierbo nie.

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