What is This » Logistiek » Markopdaterings » Vragmarkopdatering: 15 Desember 2022
vragmark-1ste Desember-opdatering-2022

Vragmarkopdatering: 15 Desember 2022


China – Noord-Amerika

  • Koersveranderinge: The rates of most routes remain at low levels.
  • Markveranderinge: With the low demand for TPEB routes, the congestions at ports and railways have improved, compared with the congestion spike in summer.
  • Aanbeveling: Bespreek jou vrag ten minste 2 weke voor die vrag gereed datum (CRD).

China – Europees

  • Koersveranderinge: The rising demand does not seem to elevate the rates in the freight market.
  • Markveranderinge: The space is basically sufficient. Some lines are operating with empty loads.
  • Aanbeveling: Set a time buffer when planning your shipments.

Lugvrag / ekspress markopdatering

China –America/ European

  • Rate changes:The freight rates of Electronics Express (Premium) and Express via JYC (Standard) decreased. The freight rates of Freight via JL (Economy) increased.
  • Vrag tipes: EMS via JY (Economy) shipping lines bound for Poland and Argentina have reduced their maximum weight from 30KG to 20KG; Ocean + Delivery US (Economy) can ship general goods, charged products, products with a weak magnetic field, prepackaged tea, prepackaged liquid cosmetics without alcohol content under 100ml per unit, prepackaged powder-based cosmetics, (compliant) kitchen knives, non-sensitive adult products, automotive lighting products, etc.
  • New services available:Electronics Parcels (Economy) can ship to Mexico, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Vrywaring: Alle inligting en sienings in hierdie pos word slegs vir verwysingsdoeleindes verskaf en vorm geen beleggings- of aankoopadvies nie. Die inligting wat in hierdie verslag aangehaal word, is uit openbare markdokumente en kan onderhewig wees aan verandering. Cooig.com maak geen waarborge of waarborge vir die akkuraatheid of integriteit van die inligting hierbo nie.

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