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ECHA se 2025-bloudruk: Kollig op regulering van e-sigarette en lugverfrissers

On November 26, 2024, the Enforcement Forum of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) outlined its 2024-2025 agenda:

  • Import Supervision: Enhanced regulation of imported chemicals to ensure EU standards compliance.
  • E-commerce Regulation: Standardization of online chemical sales to protect consumers.
  • Mixture Classification & Labelling: Emphasis on accurate classification and labelling of mixtures, including biocides, for market transparency.

The forum is also preparing for key projects:

  1. Project REF-14: Focus on classification and labelling of hazardous mixtures, relevant to consumer goods like e-cigarettes and air fresheners.
  2. Pilot Project: Compliance monitoring of imported substances’ registration representatives for market health.

The forum offered detailed guidance on ongoing projects and suggested actionable measures for 2025. It reviewed 2024 enforcement projects, including a cosmetics pilot project and the EU-wide Safety Data Sheet Project (REF-11), with final reports due year-end.

The Biocidal Products Regulation Group (BPRS) is set to launch a new enforcement project (BEF-3) in January 2025, focusing on biocidal product characteristics and labelling. BPRS has prepared extensively for inspector training.

The next forum and BPRS meeting is in March 2025, aiming to further standardize the chemical market. CIRS will continue providing updates.

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