Meester Lugvragbrief
'n Meesterlugvragbrief (MAWB) is 'n vervoerdokument vir lugvrag met besonderhede van afleweringsbepalings wat deur die lugvragvervoerder of sy agent uitgereik is.
Sleutelinsigte en markopdaterings vir logistiek en handel.
'n Meesterlugvragbrief (MAWB) is 'n vervoerdokument vir lugvrag met besonderhede van afleweringsbepalings wat deur die lugvragvervoerder of sy agent uitgereik is.
A house air waybill (HAWB) is a transport document for air cargo issued by the freight forwarders in natural air waybill format with delivery details.
An arrival notice is a document sent to the notify party to inform them of the cargo’s arrival date. It is issued by the ocean freight forwarder, freight carrier, or agent.
A packing list is a customs declaration document with each shipment’s list of packages detailed individually by weight, dimension, and quantity.
A CFS (container freight station) is a warehouse where cargo consolidation and deconsolidation takes place.
Incoterms® are trade terms developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to specify details in trade contracts for global freight delivery.
Carriage Paid To (CPT) is an incoterm that refers to the delivery of the goods at the seller’s expense to a carrier or anyone the seller designates.
Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP) is an incoterm in which the seller covers the freight and insurance costs up to a designated party’s location.
'n Kommersiële faktuur is 'n dokument wat die hoeveelheid en hoeveelheid van die gestuurde goedere vir doeane-verklaringsdoeleindes spesifiseer saam met 'n paklys.
The importer of record (IOR) is an individual or entity in charge of filing paperwork and making payments to customs.
An exporter of record (EOR) is responsible for correct documentation preparation to comply with the required export specifications.
Volle houervrag (FCL) is 'n term vir seevrag wanneer die versender vrag verskeep wat 'n houer ten volle beset.
Minder as houervrag (LCL) is 'n klein besending wat nie genoeg is vir volle houervrag (FCL) nie, maar word gekombineer met ander LCL-verskepings in een houer.
Die kennisgewende party is die persoon wat op 'n vragbrief of lugvragbrief gelys is en sal in kennis gestel word wanneer 'n besending sy bestemming bereik.
'n Meestervragbrief (MBL) is 'n dokumenttitel wat dien as 'n oordragkwitansie wat deur hul vervoerder aan rederye uitgereik word.