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Different attractive souvenirs on display

Top-toeriste-aandenkingsitems om in 2024 te verkoop

Om na die buiteland te reis is 'n wonderlike geleentheid wat natuurlik baie verbruikers lok wat aandenkings vir hulself, hul vriende, hul families en hul kollegas wil terugneem. Maar baie van hierdie verbruikers wil iets meer hê as net hemde of sleutelhouers, aangesien hierdie stereotipiese aandenkings dikwels iewers agter in 'n kas beland.

Verkopers wat gereed is om dinge op te kikker en meer kopers te lok, moet verder lees om agt toeriste-aandenkingsitems te ontdek wat ver bo die norm is vir meer onvergeetlike reise en beter verkope in 2024!

Vooruitsigte vir die toeriste-aandenkingsmark in 2024
8 aandenkings wat die moeite werd is om in 2024 by jou voorraad te voeg

Vooruitsigte vir die toeriste-aandenkingsmark in 2024

Die toeristebedryf is massief, so dit is natuurlik dat die toeriste-aandenkingsmark hierdie trajek volg. Volgens kenners is die wêreldwye aandenkingsmark reached US$ 94.97 billion in 2022, and predictions show its valuation will hit US$ 114.26 billion by 2029. Experts predict the market will boost at a 2.6% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the forecast period.

Op grond van bogenoemde verslae het die toeriste-aandenkingsmark die hoogste verkope en aanvraag uit Europa geregistreer—wat as die grootste streekbydraer na vore gekom het. Die streek het massiewe inkomste gegenereer as gevolg van die groeiende toerismebedryf en die toenemende vraag na premium/pasgemaakte geskenke in die VK, Italië, Frankryk, Duitsland en Spanje.

8 Aandenkings wat die moeite werd is om in 2024 by jou voorraad te voeg

Bedien stukke

'n Groot verskeidenheid opdiengeregte

Om delikate aandenkings te koop lyk dalk nie na 'n goeie idee nie, aangesien verbruikers versigtig daarmee moet wees, maar dit kan super wees cool souvenirs. Dinge soos bekers of borde van die plekke wat verbruikers besoek, kan 'n groot hulp in die kombuis wees, veral as iemand dit hul gunsteling maak. Verkopers kan daarop fokus om plaaslike spesialiteite aan te bied, soos Bordallo Pinheiro van Portugal of Emma Bridgewater van die VK.

Ander wonderlik serving pieces that make great souvenirs include cups, plates, and glasses—but it depends on the consumer’s budget. Since these items are fragile, sellers must help take the worry off consumers when packing them. Use packaging items like bubble wraps, packing papers, packing peanuts, and foam sheets to keep these breakable serving pieces safe during transit.

Lekkers en nageregte

Veelvuldige lekkers en nageregte op 'n tafel

Vergeet verbruikers wat dinge soos Ladurée-macarons van Frankryk gryp (hulle reis nie goed nie). In plaas daarvan, plaaslike lekkernye soos sjokolade, koekies, of kerse will do a better job of helping consumers capture the sweetness of their trip. Many consumers prefer chocolate because it is easy to pack—although they may break during transit. Countries like Switzerland and France offer big chocolate brands, but businesses can add a bit more variety and uniqueness to their offers by exploring many of the smaller manufacturers.

Another reason chocolate is a great souvenir is how long it lasts when refrigerated, especially those high-quality bars. But if consumers want easier snacking, they’ll feel more attracted to individually wrapped chocolates. But there’s more. Local cookies, granola bars, and candies make great souvenirs, often tastier than consumers may find back home. While some treats are globally available, others, like Bonne Maman butter biscuits, remain regional exclusives, offering a unique snacking pleasure for consumers to take home.


Hand wat drie klein ornamente vashou

Die aankoop van Kersfees ornamente is nog 'n goeie manier vir verbruikers om hul reis te onthou, veral as hulle Kersfees vier of iemand ken wat dit wel doen. Verkopers moet egter daardie goedkoop toeriste goed oorslaan en gaan vir spesiale ornamente wat blywende herinneringe bied. Hulle kan byvoorbeeld bolle aanskaf wat tonele van die stad wys of houtversierings wat plaaslike vakmanskap ten toon stel.

Ornamente met konings, koninginne, simbole of plaaslike geregte is ook groot treffers! Die verskeidenheid is eindeloos, wat verseker dat verbruikers iets sal vind waarvan hulle of hul geliefdes sal hou terwyl hulle ongelooflik op hul Kersbome lyk. Maar die beste deel is dat ornamente nie tot vakansies beperk is nie.

Even if it’s not Christmas, sellers can offer artsy ornaments that represent the locals or like those from museum gift stores. Some amazing options include crystal figures in the Czech Republic, Tudor-themed ornaments in England, Italian scenes on porcelain orbs, and Delft glassware in its classic blue and white from the Netherlands.


Various eye-catching artistic pieces on display

Of verbruikers in 'n klein woonstel of 'n groot huis woon, voeg nuwe by kuns of versierings from their travels is a fantastic way to make their home look awesome. Offer them prints or paintings for their walls or go the special route with art depicting something unique. And art is not just restricted to paintings and prints.

Verbruikers raak ook mal vir stukke wat wys exquisite craftsmanship. For this reason, retailers can offer them furniture, sculptures, or anything that would scream, “I got this from my trip!” Some tourists are even willing to spend big on artistic pieces, so sellers must try their best to impress them at first sight. For example, some consumers grab wooden animal sculptures from Kenya or carpets from Turkey. Others start with something as small as artsy pillowcases.


Multiple gold and silver jewelry souvenirs

Jewelry from travels makes awesome souvenirs—and sellers can offer varieties for any budget. If consumers want some pieces from local resources, sellers can provide specialties like gold from Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar or amber from Baltic countries. And if consumers want something more unique, other options are available, like Israel’s unique Eilat and Carmeltazite stones or the Czech Republic’s Moldavite.

Some tourists steer away from local specialties to more cultural pieces. The good news is there’s no shortage of such pieces! Retailers can offer them items like a Claddagh ring from Ireland or bangles from India. In the Middle East, jewelry with symbols like the Hamsa are top sellers!

Alternatively, sellers can offer some unique sjarme armbande. These jewelry options are amazing enough to capture the memories from each destination. Even if consumers don’t wear them, charm bracelets can serve as cool keepsakes to pass down, showing all the places they have been and inspiring others to travel.


Magnete wat gewilde Rome-landmerke wys

Magnete lyk dalk eenvoudig, maar hulle maak steeds cool souvenirs! While many think they are easy to overlook, it’s only when sellers stick to the bland ones. In truth, magnets are the most affordable way to keep memories alive, and that’s how businesses can leverage them for more sales.

Prioritiseer magnete of amazing art or moments most likely to be special for consumers on their trip. They can stick them on their fridge or a metal board, giving them the best view of their memories every day. Here’s the scoop: sellers can go for magnets with cool scenes, portraits, or historical moments to help consumers capture their trip in one spot. And since they are affordable, tourists can add as many as they want to their collection.


Verskeie unieke matte met wonderlike tekstiele

When traveling, consumers may look for cool fabrics to take back home. Think of things like dish towels, tablecloths, or kussingslope, met elke stuk 'n mooi herinnering van waar hierdie avonturiers was. Om die waarheid te sê, sommige plekke spesialiseer in wonderlike materiaal wat verbruikers nie elders kan kry nie, wat dit perfek maak as aandenkings.

Verkopers in Ierland kan byvoorbeeld knus wolkomberse aanbied, terwyl tartan-gooie meer gewild is in Skotland. Top-notch matte is die go-to items in Turkye en Marokko. Alhoewel tekstiele gewoonlik die meer is expensive souvenirs, kan verkopers 'n groot reeks vir alle begrotings bied.


'n Skoonheidsproduk op 'n pienk agtergrond

Die aankoop van skoonheid produkte in die buiteland is super pret vir verbruikers, veral die dames! Hulle kan wonderlike handelsmerke ontdek wat nie by die huis beskikbaar is nie. Of geniet produkte oorsee met veiliger en beter bestanddele vir hul vel. Hier is 'n geheim: laat vaar die gewone, gewilde handelsmerke en bied 'n paar local ones in plaas!

For instance, some European stores can offer top skincare at great prices with quality ingredients. Consumers may even stumble on their next favorite through sellers’ humble souvenir shop—and that’s sure to keep the orders coming! No matter the budget, sellers can offer makeup, skincare, and fragrances!


The most powerful part of any trip is the experience and memories, with souvenirs being the best reminders of that ecstatic feeling. It’s why the souvenir market is massive and still promising amazing growth in the future. Even better, souvenirs attract a large interest monthly, with Google ads showing up to 1 million searches for the best ones for people to take home on their trips! So, jump on these eight top products to grab a piece of the souvenir market in 2024. And for more insights like these, remember to subscribe to Cooig lees vir noodsaaklike e-handelstendense en opdaterings.

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